Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue

A Magic: the Gathering podcast for the spike rogue. Each week, we brew new decks in Modern and Pioneer. We put our creations to the test and share our findings on the air: what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Are you sick of going 0-5? We can help you go 3-2, in style! Created by Dan Schriever (@CavedanMTG), David Robertson (resident brew master), and Damon Alexander (brewer emeritus), and featuring Zach Ryl (@Manacymbal) & Emi Sagasti (@MordeToLight). Whether you’re a jank brewer, Day 2 warrior, FNM hero, or kitchen table end boss, our goal is to inspire your next great Magic deck. Take the Oath of Brewers and join our Discord community at, and visit our homepage for all of our latest decklists.

Friday Aug 02, 2019
Tomorrow Never Dies: Watcher for Tomorrow and How to Kill It
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Modern Horizons / Core Set 2020, Episode 8: Watcher for Tomorrow
Look at your top 4 cards and choose the best one. Then, do it again. And again. As many times are you can blink! Watcher for Tomorrow offers selection and value reminiscent of Narset or even Dig Through Time, all stapled onto an efficient creature. The only catch? You have to make him die. The crew thinks they are up to the task, with a few different possible shells. Which ones will have what it takes?
Spice Roundup
Snowy Niv-Mizzet: 5-1-1, SCG IQ Newington. Promising results with this snow manabase featuring Arcum's Astrolabe, Pillar of the Paruns, Search for Tomorrow and Wrenn and Six.
Brewers' Mailbag
What is the most competitive Faithless Brewing deck? This question is like an onion: many layered and with lots of tears. The crew peels it back as we ponder deck options for GP Minneapolis.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Flashback: Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
The Yawgfather has many talents, from card draw, to board control, to infinite combos with undying creatures. But how much should we lean on this card? Is the undying combo viable as a primary plan, or should that be a secondary angle in a creature based aggro deck?
Monoblack Zombies: 2-3 league, was using its recursive creatures too fairly
4c Undying Evolution: 6-4 leagues, Neoform + undying allows for a strong aggro plan, but the list can definitely be streamlined
Reference lists:
Jund Superfriends (lucky_dragon, 5-0 league): an intriguing take on Yawgmoth + tokens for value
Brew Session: Watcher for Tomorrow
Jeskai Saheeli
Bant Blink (Sketch)
UW Hatebear Blink (Sketch)
Reference lists:
Bant Blink (TscheggschDePoegg, 5-0 league)
Bant Blink (Gabriel Nassif, Fandom Legends)
Eternal Command (Shota Yasooka, Players' Championship 2012)

Friday Jul 26, 2019
The Doctor Is In: Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Modern Horizons / Core Set 2020, Episode 7: Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
One month after Modern Horizons, the Good Doctor is well on his way to becoming a Modern staple. Free sacrifice outlets are powerful, free card draw is insane, and that's not even half of the card's text box! But is Yawgmoth best used as a value engine, a combo piece, or something in between? Brewers have been succeeding with both approaches, and the crew has a couple ideas of their own.
Brewers' Mailbag (New!)
Is it better to pick your best cards and play as many copies as you can, or is there value to playing a mix of 1-ofs? Does the equation change for main deck versus sideboard? What about for playtesting a deck versus registering for a tournament?
Have a question for us about the brewing process? Send them to us @FaithlessMTG and we will get to your question on air!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Flashback: Brought Back
Brought Back for a land and another card is slick, and Brought Back for two lands is the slickest. But the resulting decks necessarily end up being white-based control, and graveyard-reliant on top of that. As great as Brought Back is, the ceiling for this card may just prove to be too low.
Bant Midrange v1: 8-7 leagues, functional but weaker than Karn version
Bant Midrange v2: 4-6 leagues, stronger, but still needs improvement
Sun Titan Control (fincown, 5-3 Modern Challenge): 3-2 league, solid but hard work
Abzan Shadow (cavedan, test deck): Brought Back maybe worse than Unearth here
Listener-submitted decks with Brought Back:
White Amulet (blakfishy, test deck): explosive but fragile
Eternal Value (breakfast4dinner911, test deck): needs more disruption
BW Smallpox (Matt Young, test deck): interesting planeswalker angle
Brew Session: Yawgmoth
Monoblack Yawgmoth (Sketch)
Yawgmoth Evolution (Sketch)
Yawgmoth Zombies (Nick Vallas)
Other lists referenced:
Unearth Zombies (zorloth, 6-3 Modern Challenge)
4c Yawgmoth (TheWillHallExp, 5-0 league)
Sultai Aristocrats (visitor636, 5-0 league)
Mardu Pyromancer (MisterKite, 5-0 league)
Jund Superfriends (lucky_dragon, 5-0 league)

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Brought Back, Real Smooth
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Modern Horizons / Core Set 2020, Episode 6: Brought Back
Core Set 2020's Brought Back took a star turn during our Lotus Field deep dive a couple weeks ago. So naturally, we Brought it Back for another chance at Modern glory, this time as the featured build-around. Part ramp, part card draw, part reanimation, Brought Back offers a little bit of everything. The only catch? You have to play white. Dave has some ideas, but what did we miss?
Spice Roundup: New Takes on Old Favorites
The wicked Bridge is dead, so it is time for the brewers to come out to play. Spicy decks are everywhere in the 5-0 league results, including some nice takes on cards we have previously explored.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner
Kiora's Dragons (Damon): 2-3 Modern Invitational, powerful but sideboard has "leaky bucket" problem
Niv-Mizzet Reborn
Glittering Niv (lan2_13, 5-0 league): six dorks, 4 Glittering Wish, light on green sources
Rainbow Snow (Jiggywiggy, 5-0 league): 10 snow basics + Astrolabe, no Pillar of Paruns
Force of Virtue
WR Loxobots (Erks, 5-0 league)
Oketra's Monument (Rebus8, 5-0 league)
Zoo Squad (jjenson187, 5-0 league; Hybrid7, 5-0 league)
Flashback: Crashing Footfalls
We hoofed it through a few leagues with Crashing Footfalls, trying out multiple strategies for getting the rhinos into play. The card was quite powerful in a number of shells, but in the end there could only be one winner of the Rhino Rumble.
UR Rhinos (KyFly1): 4-6 test leagues, strong but narrow in scope
Restore Rhinos (Jakesbaked): 5-0 test league, felt more versatile against a wide field
BR Free (Dzy): 1-4 test league, fragile and very hard to cast Footfalls
Temur Ascendancy (SvenSveeterSven, 5-0 league)
Brew Session: Brought Back
Bant Brought Back (Sketch)
Naya Landfall (Sketch)
If you have a list with Brought Back, or suggestions for one of our builds, we would love to hear from you! Send us your build and we may feature it on next week's episode of the cast.
Contact Us
Twitter: @FaithlessMTG

Friday Jul 12, 2019
Rhino Rumble: All the Ways to Use Crashing Footfalls
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Modern Horizons, Episode 5: Crashing Footfalls
Are you ready for a RHINO RUMBLE?!? Crashing Footfalls joins the lineage of "can't be cast" suspend cards that are historically powerful and ripe for abuse. The combination with Ancestral Visions gives a critical mass of generically powerful suspend cards, in contrast to all-in build-arounds like Living End, Restore Balance, or Wheel of Fate. But what is the best route for casting the Rhinos, and from which zone? Are we willing to wait for them, or do we need to make our Rhinos right now?
Roundup: Brewing After Hogaak
They actually did it. Bridge from Below got the axe after just four weeks on Magic Online. The crew discusses the post-ban metagame: what's still strong, what may rise again, and what a brewer should be prepared to face. Also: decks we plan to test in preparation for GP Minneapolis.
Flashback: Lotus Field
We put Lotus Field through its paces in four different builds, discovering quite a bit of clunk (drawing the 2nd copy is awful, Blood Moon and Damping Sphere are embarrassing) but also unlocking several powerful synergies. Blood Sun and the Brought Back + Flagstones + Ghost Quarter package were very solid and worthy of further exploration.
Blood Sun Eldrazi: 2-3 league, curve was disastrous, but Blood Sun is strong
RG Assault Loam: 2-3 league, needs speed and more versatile control elements
GW Brought Back: 3-2 league, Brought Back is strong, but needs better early plays
Twiddle Storm: 5-5 leagues, excellent in game 1, vulnerable after sideboarding
Brew Session: Crashing Footfalls
We take a slightly different approach this week, as several lists with Crashing Footfalls have already seen success. However, each of them tackles the "can't be cast" problem differently, opting to cheat the card into play either from hand, from graveyard, or from the top of the library. If you want to get really crazy, you can even suspend it the "normal" way and wait. Which routes are the most effective, and are there additional enablers that have not been fully explored?
Restore Dominance (Jakesbaked, 5-0 league x2)
Rhino enablers: 7 hand (As Foretold, Electrodominance), 2 graveyard (Finale of Promise). Green mana: yes.
UR As Foretold (KyFly1, 11-4 GP Dallas, 5-0 league, 6-2 Modern Challenge)
Rhino enablers: 8 hand (As Foretold, Electrodominance), 3 graveyard (Dreadhorde Arcanist). Green mana: no.
Black-Red Free (Dzy, 5-0 league)
Rhino enablers: 5 graveyard (Dreadhorde Arcanist, Finale of Promise), 4 hand (Electrodominance). Green mana: yes.
Living End "Fakeout" (MagicAids youtube + keatingn, 5-0 league)
Rhino enablers: 12 library (Violent Outburst, Demonic Dread, Bloodbraid Elf). Green mana: no.
Rhino Conjuring (Sketch)
Rhino enablers: 4 library (Collected Conjuring), 4 hand (As Foretold), 4 graveyard (Dreadhorde Arcanist, Finale of Promise). Green mana: TBD.

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Life from the Lotus: Breaking Lotus Field in Midrange, Ramp, and Combo
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Modern Horizons / Core Set 2020, Episode 4: Lotus Field
What's better than a Black Lotus? How about a free Black Lotus every turn? Magic 2020's "fixed" version of Lotus Vale comes with a host of interesting clauses: hexproof, sacrifice two lands, enters the battlefield tapped. The crew sets out to use every part of the buffalo, either dodging the drawbacks or turning them into advantages. There might even be some 9/9 hexproof attackers in our future. But which builds are competitive, and which are just a field of memes?
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: The New Tier One
The results from GP Dallas and SCG Pittsburgh are in. Hogaak established itself as tier zero, but it didn't sweep the events. Instead, a new tier one emerged, starring Izzet Phoenix and UW Control. But don't blink, because the London Mulligan is already here to shake up the format, and a B&R announcement is right around the corner. Plus: a tournament report with BG Rock. Good old rock, nothing beats rock.
Grim Flayer Rock: 2-3 SCG IQ, some things do in fact beat Rock
Flashback: Force of Virtue
While Tom Ross was cruising to a top 8 finish with Hogaak Bridgevine, we were working hard trying to squeeze playable decks out of his pet design Force of Virtue. The card proved surprisingly good, and the combo with Squadron Hawk should not be underestimated. The most competitive shell also proved to be the most delightful: Goat Devotion, harnessing the power of Nykthos, Ranger-Captain of Eos, and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.
Mardu PyroHawk : 4-6 leagues, felt much better than its record, Seasoned Pyromancer is the truth
Goat Devotion: 8-7 leagues, surprisingly good, but weak to decks that don't care about combat
Turbo Elesh Norn: 4-1 league, Elesh Norn is very well positioned
Esper Skies: 3-2 league, needs more disruption, less Pride of the Clouds
Brew Session: Lotus Field
Naya Value Town (Sketch)
Blood Sun Eldrazi (Sketch)
One-Punch Land (Sketch)
Twiddle Storm (Sketch)
Contact Us
Twitter: @FaithlessMTG

Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Revenge of the Goatnapped: Is Force of Virtue a Playable Card in Modern?
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Modern Horizons, Episode 3: Force of Virtue
White has a long history of getting shafted in cycles. Blue got Ancestral Recall, white got Healing Salve. Blue got Force of Will, white got Scars of the Veteran. Blue got Force of Negation, white got... Force of Virtue? Free spells are always worth a closer look, and the crew thinks this zero-mana Crusade might be sneakily competitive. We discuss potential builds of Mardu Tokens, Esper Skies, and Goat Devotion (no, not greatest of all time, just actual goats).
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: Brewer's Guide to the Hogaak Meta
Hogaak continues to dominate the winners' meta in MTGO Premier events. Successful challengers last weekend skewed toward midrange and control, with creature aggro and big mana seemingly pushed out of the format. In the unified Modern League, though, it's a safari of wild brews. Plus: new cards with potential from Core 2020, and a tournament report from GP Seattle (undefeated on Day 2!).
Mardu Helix: 8-2 leagues, Smiting Helix is the truth.
Lantern Citadel: 6-4 leagues, effective against Hogaak.
Flashback: Ice-Fang Ninja Tempo
Ice-Fang Coatl proved to be a brilliant design: versatile and powerful, but requiring serious concessions to unlock deathtouch. The ninjas were all playable and surprisingly good, with Ingenious Infiltrator seemingly the best option, Mist-Syndicate Naga running second, and Fallen Shinobi the most greedy and least versatile.
BUG "Little" Ninjas: 6-4 leagues, Infiltrator and Seer are good, slow cards (Spellstutter, Snapcaster, Opt) are iffy. Sideboard needs more sweepers.
BUG "Big" Ninjas: 4-1 league, land count is greedy, 4 Shinobi is too many.
UG Obsession: 1-4 league, unplayable, removal is too plentiful and cheap to protect a non-hexproof creature.
Bant Flash: 3-2 league, solid if no one is playing Tron.
Queller Flash: 2-3 league, perfect deck for exhausting midrange slugfests.
Brew Session: Force of Virtue
Goat Devotion (Sketch)
Mardu Tokens (Sketch)
Esper Skies (Sketch)
Soul Sisters (Sketch)

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
How to Train Your Ninja: Faerie Seer, Ice-Fang Coatl, and Other Clever Disguises
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Modern Horizons, Episode 2: Ninja Faerie Tempo Snake
Is that a winged snake with deadly fangs of poison ice... or an ingenious ninja in disguise? Dreams of ninja glory become real this week as the crew explores David's favorite archetype of all time: sneaky blue tempo decks. Ice-Fang Coatl, Faerie Seer, Ingenious Infiltrator, and Fallen Shinobi offer a host of new tools for players looking to chip away for value while fighting battles on the stack. The ninjas are sweet and the faeries are classy, but are they just too fair for today's Modern?
Roundup: The Rise of Creature Combo
Hogaak Bridgevine continues to dominate online and in paper, but players are punching back with linear combo decks of their own, looking to exploit Hogaak's lack of interaction. Both Devoted Vizier and Saheeli combo are putting up strong results, and the crew has some builds that we like. Plus: Core 2020 previews and a tournament report with Niv-Mizzet Reborn.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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GW Vizier Combo: 5-0 league, very strong in current meta
Jeskai Supercats: 7-3 leagues, Watcher for Tomorrow is promising
Flashback: Ranger-Captain of Eos
It turns out that if you take an underpowered strategy and add Ranger-Captain of Eos, the result is an underpowered deck with Ranger-Captain of Eos. Martyr Proc does not line up well against today's modern. The Kirin combo seemed to get there on power level, but finding a build that can assemble the combo quickly while not falling prey to the inherent weaknesses of GW midrange proved challenging.
Martyr Proc: 4-6 leagues, Ranger-Captain didn't change the outlook for this strategy
GW Kirin (Vivien): 4-6 leagues, hard to assemble combo and the GW shell felt underpowered
GW Kirin (Eladamri's Call): 4-1 league, more successful at combo but surrounding GW cards are still mediocre
Boros Geddon: 3-2 league, needs better value engines to snowball an advantage
Brew Session: Ninja Tempo
Sultai Ninja Faeries
UG Curious Obsession
UB Ninja Faeries
Temur Sea Stompy

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Winter Is Coming: Ranger-Captain of Eos in a Hogaak Meta
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Modern Horizons, Episode 1: Ranger-Captain of Eos
It's a tale as old as Winterfell: our plains and forests are covered in snow, the army of the dead is coming, and all that shields the realms of men are a few brave Rangers. Hogaak Vine has swept through the Magic Online metagame, but for now the crew wants to fight for the side of the living. Ranger-Captain of Eos offers considerable talents at an attractive mana cost, but can fair creature decks stand up to the zombie hordes? Damon and David have some ideas, so let's discuss!
Flashback: Bolas's Citadel
They say that great wisdom grows from defeat. If so, Dan might be the wisest person alive after a week of getting stomped while exploring Bolas's Citadel. The engine was powerful, but glass-cannon strategies quickly proved too fragile in this hostile meta. Three directions remain promising: Lantern-style control with mill rocks, creature-based strategies using the Viscera Seer-Blood Artist engine, and lifegain control with a generous helping of Smiting Helix.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Lantern Engines
BUG Lantern: 0-5, lantern is hard, meta is hostile
RB Trashy Engineer: 1-4, slightly too slow and still fragile
RB Engineer Control: 2-3, can compete but needs tuning
Aristocrats Engines
Abzan Aristocrats: 2-3, creatures were too weak
Esper Shape Anew: 3-2, decent despite the unplayables
4c Shape Anew: not yet tested
Lifegain Control
Mardu Helix: 4-1, clunky but promising
Madcap Mardu: 1-4, awful, do not try at home
Brew Session: Ranger-Captain of Eos
Sketch 1: Mono-W Martyr Control
Sketch 2: GW Kirin Armageddon