Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue

A Magic: the Gathering podcast for the spike rogue. Each week, we brew new decks in Modern and Pioneer. We put our creations to the test and share our findings on the air: what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Are you sick of going 0-5? We can help you go 3-2, in style! Created by Dan Schriever (@CavedanMTG), David Robertson (resident brew master), and Damon Alexander (brewer emeritus), and featuring Zach Ryl (@Manacymbal) & Emi Sagasti (@MordeToLight). Whether you’re a jank brewer, Day 2 warrior, FNM hero, or kitchen table end boss, our goal is to inspire your next great Magic deck. Take the Oath of Brewers and join our Discord community at, and visit our homepage for all of our latest decklists.

Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Mr. Steal Your Crown: Six New Brews with Oko
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 2: Oko, Thief of Crowns
Oko, Thief of Crowns, is a mischievous trickster. He’s so devious that he tricked Wizards into printing him with three powerful abilities and a giant pile of loyalty, all for the low, low price of three mana. Already poised to dominate Standard, the crew thinks Oko will be flaunting his skills in Modern in the very near future, and Dave has six new decklists to prove it.
Also, Dan has a new article up on a comprehensive Brewer’s Guide to Throne of Eldraine! Expanding on our discussions in the podcast and analyzing 65 cards across four different Top 10 lists (math checks out, right?) this article has everything you need to start brewing with one of the most exciting new releases that Modern has ever seen. You won’t want to miss it!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Dan’s Article: A Brewer's Guide to Throne of Eldraine
Damon’s Tournament Results
Rainbow Niv-Mizzet (Damon): 6-2 Modern challenge, 5-0 league
Brazen Cutthroat Kiki (Damon, based on kahluah777’s 5-0 list): 5-0 league
Roundup: Throne of Eldraine Week 1
Paradoxical Emry (Kevslinger): 7-1 Modern Challenge
Emry Ascendancy (Rav104): 5-0 League
Wishclaw EmrySword (haubidtran): 5-0 league
Grixis Into the Story (aspiringspike): 5-0 league
Charming Emeria (Fincown): 5-0 league
Dubious Prince (k_f_chicken): 5-0 league
Gilded Skies (internetsurfer09): 5-0 league
Questing Stompy (fluffywolf2): 5-0 league
Once Upon a Bogle (__matsugan): 5-0 league
Glitterbrute Affinity (sandahl123): 5-0 league
SnowKo Niv-Mizzet (rodebo): 5-0 league, 4-1 league
Brew Session: Oko, Thief of Crowns
Sketch #1: Sultai Faeries
Sketch #2: Oko Shape Anew
Sketch #3: 4c Saheeli
Sketch #4: Bant OkoBlade
Sketch #5: Arcades Herder
Sketch #6: Faeburrow Niv-Mizzet (update: Damon notched a 5-0 with this updated list!)
Reference lists:
Bant OkoBlade (UBERMIKEYB): 3rd place, Modern Challenge
4c SnowKo Saheeli (Gab Nassif): 6-2, Modern Challenge

Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Eldraine Top Ten + Five Ways to Break Emry
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 1: Emry, Lurker of the Loch
Eldraine is upon us, and Emry, Lurker of the Loch is the talk of Modern Town. In fact, we wrote an entire strategy guide for the card the very day it was spoiled. Our analysis contained one error, though: "Stoneforge Fishstick" is not the most appropriate nickname for the Lady in the Lake. Her power level warrants a more distinguished pedigree: nothing less than "Deathrite Salmon." This week, the crew unpacks five different ways to break Modern wide open with the new legendary merfolk. There's more than one way to fry a fish!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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03:02 Niv-Mizzet Reborn (Damon): 5-2 Modern Challenge. Graveyard decks and Urza combo are currently ascendant in the metagame; plan accordingly.
Flashback: Green Week
08:57 GW Leyline Elves: 3-2 league, needs more speed and redundancy in the combo to compensate for lower overall power
14:08 Genesis Devotion (by u/Cube_): 8-7 leagues, capable of truly astonishing combo turns, but struggles to interact with other linear/degenerate decks
25:17 Unbound Devotion: 5-5 leagues, Llanowar Tribe is solid and Hydroid Krasis is capable of carrying the deck. Still struggles with the same spread of matchups as the other green devotion lists
36:17 Unbound Revelation (by u/DiogenesCane): uses Heartbeat of Spring and Finale of Revelation for a Time Spiral-like effect, as described here
41:49 "Hogaak-less Hogaak" (sketch): an attempt to graft the Saffi+Rallier combo into a Vengevine aggro shell
44:41 Rallier Combo (by Aaron Westbrook): a variant using Kaya's Ghostform for redundancy in combo pieces
Roundup: Eldraine Top Ten
51:10 (HM) Grumgully, the Generous
53:01 (HM) Witching Well
54:50 (#10) Brazen Borrower
58:57 (#9) Glass Casket
1:01:10 (#8) Wishclaw Talisman
1:05:33 (#7) Castle Garenbrig
1:10:07 (#6) The Royal Scions
1:14:50 (#5) Oko, Thief of Crowns
1:16:33 (#4) Drown in the Loch
1:18:51 (#3) Mystic Sanctuary
1:22:32 (#2) Emry, Lurker of the Loch
1:24:17 (#1) Once Upon a Time
Brew Session: Emry, Lurker of the Loch
1:29:25 The Core Emry Package
1:33:17 UrzaSword
1:33:50 Jeskai Ascendancy
1:39:12 Paradox Engine
1:41:54 Paradoxical Outcome
1:46:51 Kethis, the Hidden Hand
1:55:11 Fair Decks with Emry

Friday Sep 20, 2019
Hopelessly Devoted to Green
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Modern Horizons / Core Set 2020, Episode 15: Leyline of Abundance + Eldraine Previews
It's finally here: Green Week! After a long and arduous Hogaak summer, the metagame has finally slowed enough to potentially reward a strategy of flooding the battlefield with green permanents. Core 2020's Leyline of Abundance has been waiting in the wings, offering explosive starts with mana dorks, as well as a few sneaky infinite combos. Also, did somebody say two free pips for Nykthos? The crew breaks down fresh new takes on Leyline Combo, Unbound Flourishing, and Green Devotion.
Plus: a host of spicy previews from Throne of Eldraine, including bonus decklists!
Roundup: Niv-Mizzet Takes Flight
It was a big week for Niv-Mizzet Reborn, as this Faithless Brewing Original has officially ascended to Tier 2 status (at least, according to the wise sages at the Arena Decklists Podcast). But don't just take their word for it. The tournament results speak for themselves, with Niv putting up strong results at MCQs both in paper and online.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Glittering Niv (Ihavethefire): 1st place, MCQ Pittsburgh
Ramp-less Niv (Damon): 6-2 MCQ Seattle, 6-4 MTGO PTQ, 5-0 league x2
Traverse Niv (cavedan): 6-3 MTGO PTQ
Flashback: Kethis, the Hidden Hand
We'll be straight up, these decks sucked. Even Matt Nass's build could barely win a game. Not all is lost, however: the Saffi combo proved strong enough to possibly become its own version of the deck, and Emry, Lurker of the Loch means that help is on the way for dedicated Kethis Kombo.
Project Keth-eX: 3-7 practice matches, curve felt too slow, Kethis combo less well integrated than Saffi combo
Kethis "KCI" (Matt Nass, test deck): 0-5 practice matches, deck folded to everything, mana was horrendous
Emry Kethis Combo (Sam Black, test deck)
"Hogaak-less Hogaak" (test deck): re-built for speed and to maximize Saffi combo, with potential for turn 2 kill (Carrion Feeder -> Stitcher's Supplier into Unearth on Renegade Rallier, return Saffi, attack for lethal).
Throne of Eldraine Previews
Specter's Shriek (Bonus list: BW Processor Eldrazi) -- Bonecrusher Giant (Bonus list: Bonecrusher Kiora) -- Grumgully, the Generous (Bonus list: Grumgully Goblins) -- Torbran, Thane of Red Fell -- Drown in the Loch -- Faeburrow Elder -- Merchant of the Vale (Haggle) -- Irencrag Feat -- Fires of Invention -- Vantress Gargoyle -- The Magic Mirror -- The Cauldron of Eternity -- Witching Well -- Oko, Thief of Crowns (Bonus list: Faerie Foodies)
Brew Session: Leyline of Abundance
Sketch #1: GW Leyline Elves
Sketch #2: Unbound Flourishing
Sketch #3: Nissa Devotion
Sketch #4: Genesis Wave (designed by u/Cube_)
Reference lists:
Leyline Combo (PVDDR, test deck)
Leyline Combo 2 (PVDDR, test deck)
Devoted Elves (tagosaku, 5-0 league)
Bant Abundance (Jon Stern, MC Barcelona; Jeremie Ross, 5-0 league)
Steel Leaf Stompy (Ryan Robinson, 1st place SCG IQ)

Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Eldraine Previews and Kethis in Modern
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Saturday Sep 14, 2019
Faithless Brewing, Episode 20: Kethis, the Hidden Hand
Throne of Eldraine is around the corner and the previews are coming fast and furious. Some look sweet, some look strange, and some look downright broken, including a certain strange woman lying in a pond distributing swords. That's no basis for a system of government.
In the meantime, though, we've got unfinished business with Core Set 2020. Kethis, the Hidden Hand had a surprising breakout late in the Standard season, anchoring a slick combo deck full of powerful legendaries. Modern has even more enticing options, but can this bizarre strategy withstand the transition to the lightning-fast eternal format? Or should Kethis be reimagined as the centerpiece of a midrange build? The crew has some ideas, so let's discuss!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Flashback: Kiora and Niv-Mizzet
Ramp-less Niv-Mizzet (cavedan): Top 8 SCG IQ
Ramp-less Niv-Mizzet (Ihavethefire): 12-0 Modern Playoffs
Kiora Dragons: 10-10 leagues
Kiora Eldrazi: 11-4 leagues
Bonus list: Cat Jesus Returns (sketch)
Throne of Eldraine Previews
Dave has eight spicy hot takes on exciting new contenders for Modern, and Damon and Dan are eager to prove him wrong. Plus, don't miss our in-depth written article on the most dangerous card in the set, Emry, Lurker of the Loch!
Stoneforge Fishstick: A Brewer's Guide to Emry, Lurker of the Loch
Bonus list: Emry Ascendancy (sketch)
Brew Session: Kethis, the Hidden Hand
Sketch #1: 4c Value Kethis
Sketch #2: Keth-sper Goryo's
Sketch #3: Project Keth-eX
Reference lists:
Standard Kethis Combo (Ondrej Strasky)
Kethis "KCI" (Matt Nass, test deck)
Abzan Kethis Station (yooisa, test deck)
Kethis Erayo (anonymous, test deck)
Kethis Emry Combo (Sam Black, test deck)

Friday Sep 06, 2019
Three Challengers for the New Meta
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Modern Horizons / Core 2020, Episode 13: Kiora, Niv-Mizzet, Kolaghan's Command
Faithless Looting is gone, and our beloved "non-rotating" format is in upheaval once again. Tournament results are trickling in, but in the Magic Online leagues, it's the Wild West: everyone has dusted off their midrange decks, hoping that strategies that have always fared poorly will finally get a chance to breathe in a graveyard-free Modern. It is a great time to be a brewer.
With seemingly endless possibilities to explore, this week the crew revisits some old favorites: Faithless Brews that were powerful before Modern Horizons, but couldn't keep up with the madness of Hogaak Summer. We discuss new builds of RG Kiora Dragons, Rainbow Niv-Mizzet, and old school Grixis Control. Are these old challengers ready to compete for the top tier of the new Modern? Let's discuss!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Flashback: Stoneforge Mystic
UW Stoneblade (D00mswitch): 3-2 league
Jeskai QuellBlade: 2-3 league
Bant Devoted Blade (bobinchese): 4-1 league
Brew Session: New Takes on Old Favorites
Kiora's Dragons (post-Hogaak update)
Rainbow Niv-Mizzet (post-Hogaak update)
Grixis Control

Friday Aug 30, 2019
Stoneforge Mistake? A Brewer's Guide to the New Queen of Modern
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Modern Horizons / Core Set 2020, Episode 12: The Ultimate Guide to Stoneforge Mystic
It was a difficult week for the Faithless Family, as we had to say goodbye to one of our own. Faithless Looting, the best card in Modern, breaker of formats and giver of value, was struck down in the prime of its life, taken from us by a cruel stroke of research and development. Dear Looting, you shall be missed.
There is no rest for the weary, however, as a new powerhouse has been unleashed upon the Modern format. Stoneforge Mystic has arrived to thunderous applause and is already dominating the MTGO leagues, with no fewer than 27(!) distinct Stoneforge decks appearing in the first 5-0 deck dump. It is a time of wild experimentation, and we are here to guide you through all the different ways to make Batterskull and friends. You won't want to miss this one!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Flashback: Elementals
Bant Vesperlark: 5-5 leagues, an acceptable combo deck with a good ability to grind thanks to Risen Reef. Lack of interaction makes it difficult to keep up with aggressive strategies.
RB Thunder Forger: 5-5 leagues, Thunderkin is massively defanged by the loss of Faithless Looting, and this deck can never defeat a Batterskull. The Shaman core remains surprisingly powerful though.
Brew Session: Stoneforge Mystic
Stoneforge lists from around the web, all from within the first two days of the card's legality. For the full Friday 5-0 deck dump, complete with 27 distinct Stoneforge lists, click here.
UWx StoneBlade
UW Stoneblade (Todd Anderson)
UW Stoneblade (Emma Handy)
UW Stoneblade (Ben Friedman)
Jeskai Stoneblade (Todd Anderson)
Esper Stoneblade (Todd Anderson)
Esper UrzaBlade (Samuel Graebner, 16-4 leagues)
UW UrzaBlade (kanister)
4c Urza (Ross Merriam)
UW Urza (Bryan Gottlieb)
BW Midrange
BW SewerBlade (CalebD, 5-0 league)
BW Ale-Drazi (xjcloud, 5-0 league)
Existing Combo w/ Stoneforge Support
Jeskai Saheeli Elementals (Jan Huang, 5-0 league)
4c Snowheeli Blade (Ross Merriam)
Bant Devoted Blade (Ross Merriam)
Bant Midrange
Bant Snowblade (aspiringspike, 5-0 league)
Bant Snowblade (SaffronOlive, 5-0 league)
Bant SpiritBlade (Emma Handy)
White Aggro
Mono-W CawBlade (aspiringspike, 5-0 league)
Mono-W Cawblade (kponce, 5-0 league)
Miscellaneous Midrange
Abzan Midrange (Reid Duke)
Naya ZooBlade (Wyatt Darby)
GW EldraziBlade (Ryan Overturf)
Equipment Combo
RW Hammertime (CalebD, 3-1 league)

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thunderkin Awakening
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Modern Horizons / Core Set 2020, Episode 11: Elementals Week
The Elemental tribe is rising from the reef with a host of new printings from Modern Horizons and Core 2020. Thunderkin Awakener has already established itself as a player alongside Lightning Skelemental, but Risen Reef has brewers experimenting with all five colors of the rainbow. The decks are already sweet, and we've barely begun to scratch the surface of what this tribe can do. Will Vesperlark give Altar of Dementia a second chance at breaking Modern? Does Master of Waves push Risen Reef over the top? Can Thunderkin Awakener breathe new life into Rage Forger aggro? Join us this week for a journey to the Primal Beyond, as we discuss all things Elementals with some slick new brews.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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02:30 Lame Duck Modern + the post-Hogaak Metagame
17:40 Elemental Tribal: What We've Seen So Far
26:10 Brewing Elementals with the Scryfall Method
45:41 4c Vesperlark Value-Combo (Brew #1)
57:00 Bant Vesperlark Combo (Brew #1b)
1:02:45 RB Thunder Forger (Brew #2)
1:09:30 Temur Thunder Vine (Brew #2b)
Other lists referenced:
• Rakdos Skelemental (LordoftheLobsters, 6-1 Modern Challenge)
Skelemental, Thunderkin, Unearth, and Ball Lightning, plus Seasoned Pyro/Faithless Looting + standard B/R spell package, a couple Arcanists thrown in.
• Mardu Pyromancers (Kensuke Kato, 6-4 MC Barcelona)
Basically the same, but trimming Thunderkins and dropping Ball Lightning to make room for copies of Young Pyromancer, Lingering Souls, Smiting Helix.
• Jund 8-Ball (Victor Falcone, SCG IQ top 8)
8-Balls + Collected Company + Pelt Collector, the worst creature in Modern.
• 5c Skelementals (Elfkid, 5-0 league)
Risen Reef and a random assortment of creatures. Aether Vial + the tribal lands (Cavern, Unclaimed Territory, Primal Beyond) + Smokebraider enable all 5 colors.
• 5c Risen Reef (perseel, 5-0 league x2)
There are 2 more 5-0 "5c Elemental" lists that do not run Skelemental.
• Bant Risen Company (milikin, 5-0 league)
Reef as a value creature in Bant Company, with light Elemental package (mainly Voice of Resurgence).
• Jund Shamans (Caleb Durward, 5-0 league x2)
Rage Forger + a bunch of terrible creatures that happen to be Shamans.
• All-in Vesperlark Combo (Liam Cahalan)
Turbo mill to assemble Vesperlark + sac outlet + Image/Body Double.
• 5c Master of the Reef (Caleb Durward)
Miscellaneous 5c elementals, including Shorecrasher Elemental for increased devotion.
• Amulet Reef Combo (u/Jrax)
Play your whole deck with Amulet of Vigor + Risen Reef (explanation here).

Friday Aug 16, 2019
Hogaak Summer, Niv's Got It Lit: Cashing GP Minneapolis with 5c Niv
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Modern Horizons / Core Set 2020, Episode 10: Niv-Mizzet Deep Dive
It's a Hogaak summer, it is what it is, but Niv's a 5-star dragon and we know he's got it lit. Dan and Damon spread their wings over Minneapolis last weekend with a new build of Rainbow Niv-Mizzet. The deck is sweet, but can you really cash a Grand Prix with a Faithless Brew? Yes, yes you can! Damon notched a 9-4-2 finish in the main event, and the deck is poised to get even better in the post-Hogaak metagame.
This week the crew breaks down everything Niv-Mizzet: our testing process, manabase considerations, sideboarding and matchup analysis, and recommendations for the build going forward. You won't want to miss this one!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Niv-Mizzet GP Deck Tech (Damon)
Friday MCQ Decklist (Damon + Dan)
Saturday GP Decklist (Damon + Dan)
Sunday MCQ Decklist (Dan)
Hogaak without Leylines (Andrew Wolbers, Sunday MCQ Winner)
Unexpected Tron deck tech (Nathan Graves, Saturday round 6 feature match)