Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue

A Magic: the Gathering podcast for the spike rogue. Each week, we brew new decks in Modern and Pioneer. We put our creations to the test and share our findings on the air: what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Are you sick of going 0-5? We can help you go 3-2, in style! Created by Dan Schriever (@CavedanMTG), David Robertson (resident brew master), and Damon Alexander (brewer emeritus), and featuring Zach Ryl (@Manacymbal) & Emi Sagasti (@MordeToLight). Whether you’re a jank brewer, Day 2 warrior, FNM hero, or kitchen table end boss, our goal is to inspire your next great Magic deck. Take the Oath of Brewers and join our Discord community at, and visit our homepage for all of our latest decklists.

Monday Dec 02, 2019
New Perspectives on Combo (ft. Danny Salvatore)
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 11: Scrap Trawler, New Perspectives, Astral Drift
It was a golden weekend for Niv-Mizzet at Grand Prix Columbus, with Dan and Damon both posting 10-4-1 finishes with our favorite Faithless Brew. Is Niv the last control deck in Modern? What we do know is that, at the last Grand Prix of 2019, Niv quietly had one of the best performances of any archetype in the field.
This week, however, we depart from the realm of flashy five-color control, and turn our attention instead to some truly bizarre combos. Scraps from the Oven? New Perspectives? Astral Drift Turbo-Land? Oh yes, these are going to be spicy ones.
We are joined this week by special guest brewer Danny Salvatore, fresh off a Top 4 finish at the SCG Invitational. We talk about his preparations in Modern and Pioneer leading up to the Invi and the GP, before we collectively dive headfirst into assembling the combo machine.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Flashback: SCG Invitational + Grand Prix Columbus
SCG Invitational (Pioneer / Modern)
Green Devotion (Danny Salvatore, 3rd place)
Grixis Shadow (Danny Salvatore, 3rd place)
GP Columbus (Modern)
Utopia Niv-Mizzet (Dan + Damon, 10-4-1, 40th & 42nd place)
Rakdos Bone Picker: 2-3 league, needed more creatures to crew with
Brew Session: Comboing Off
Sketch #1: Scraps from the Oven
Sketch #2: New Perspectives (Growth Spiral version)
Sketch #3: New Perspectives (Blood Sun version)
Brainstorm Session: Astral Drift Turbo-Land

Sunday Nov 24, 2019
What's Cooking? Firing Up the Witch's Oven
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 10: Witch's Oven
Let's face it, Vantress Gargoyle is probably not going to make the leap to eternal playable anytime soon. It struggles to attack in Pioneer, although our Modern explorations did yield some very interesting builds using powerful tools like Archive Trap and Into the Story. That being said, when a card can't even hack it in Standard, we shouldn't ask too much of it off the bat.
On the other hand, when a card is dominating Standard and meets the benchmark metrics for eternal playability (best in class effect, highly efficient, useful card type) it is certainly worth a closer look. Witch's Oven fits that bill. The "Kentucky Fried Kitten" / "Meow Mix" combo with Cauldron Familiar was a breakout star at the most recent Mythic Championships, and those two have started to make some inroads into Pioneer as well. But how good is this combo really? And is there more to the Oven than just cat food? While Damon and Dan are busy prepping Niv-Mizzet in Modern for GP Columbus, David has been cooking up some spicy Oven lists that he thinks just might hit the sweet spot.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Flashback: Vantress Gargoyle
Simic Flying Goyfs: 3-2 league. Extremely effective at finding big flyers and attacking with them, but struggles against creature decks and high density of removal.
Sultai Flying Goyfs: 2-3 league, noticeably clunkier than the Simic version because Glimpse and Hedron Crab fight for mana, but some additions like Drown in the Loch are well worth the price of admission.
Gargoyles, Please!: 2-3 league. Yes, this is a Modern list with four copies of Didn't Say Please. The concept here is not bad, but the execution could use refinement.
Turbo Trap Control: 4-1 league. This strategy might be secretly excellent. Needs a more diverse set of spells in the main deck, but Mystic Sanctuary + Into the Story is incredible and the sideboard juke plan can steal games.
Emry Ascendancy: achieved numerous turn 3 kills, but this deck relies super heavily on Emry surviving, and probably shouldn't run any Gargoyles as they can never attack
Gargoyle Gift: 3-2 league, Gargoyle is actually a decent blocker here and synergizes with both Kiora and Gift
Bonus list: Retraction Helix Ascendancy by MrRaeb
Brew Session: Witch's Oven
Sketch 1: Sultai Cat Dredge
Sketch 2: Rakdos Bone Picker
Sketch 3: Grixis Emerge Oven
Sketch 4: Orzhov Life Gain
Utopia Niv-Mizzet (GP Columbus build)

Sunday Nov 17, 2019
The Real Gargoyles of Castle Vantress
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 9: Vantress Gargoyle (Modern & Pioneer)
Just when you thought you'd seen it all, it turns out the castles of Eldraine are guarded by blue Tarmogoyfs with wings. At 5/4 flying for 1U, Vantress Gargoyle is an absolute unit. It's even an artifact to boot, with an illustrious pedigree of potential synergies. The catch? It might be a while before you can start attacking. Oh, and if you want to block, better make sure that hand size doesn't get too low. Perhaps you'd like to tap and mill for 1 instead?
Good cards come to those who break them, so this week, the crew is leaving no stone unturned with new lists for Vantress Gargoyle in both Pioneer and Modern. Will we ever attack with this card? Will we ever get to block with it? And perhaps most important of all, is this strong enough to be the centerpiece of its own deck, or is the Gargoyle better utilized as a role player in small numbers? As always, there's only one way to find out!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: Pioneer B&R, Redux
Blue Moon Canlander (Damon): Top 8, Puget Sound Battleground 1k (Individual); Top 4, Puget Sound Battleground 1k (Team Trios)
Pioneer B&R Announcement
Flashback: The Royal Scions
Izzet Arcanist: 2-3 league (adapted from this 5-0 list by Habster)
Blue Moon (by thepensword): 7-3 leagues
Temur Prowess: 1-4 league
Grixis Arcanist: 4-6 leagues
Temur Deathtouch: 4-1 league
4c Royal Vehicles: 2-3 league
Izzet Firebirds: updated sketch (compare to these Izzet Firebirds lists from Challenge)
Additional concepts:
Grixis Flamewake Phoenix: updated sketch
Grixis Ninja Scions (by Pedro Almeida): sketch
Royal Frenzy Aggro (by Elvis Alcomb): sketch
Brew Session: Vantress Gargoyle
Sketch 1: Dimir Citadel Devotion
Sketch 2: Dimir Control
Sketch 3: Sultai Artifacts
Sketch 4: Vantress Ascendancy
Sketch 5: Mystic Forge
Sketch 6: Gargoyle Gift
Sketch 1: Dimir Turbo Trap (by Jordan Boisvert, based on this article at Modern Nexus)
Sketch 2: Sultai Delirium

Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Royal Pain in the Scions
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 8: The Royal Scions
Kiora delivered us a fresh 5-0 last week, but we knew that would happen, as Kiora has always been great. The combination with Glorybringer is excellent in Modern and even stronger in Pioneer, although the mana requirements proved to be much trickier without the smooth shock-fetch manabase. Eldrazi add an interesting wrinkle to the Gruul ramp archetype, and Niv-Mizzet got in on the 5-0 action too.
This week, we're on to the next 3 CMC walker with absurdly high loyalty. Oko has already been widely accepted as planeswalker royalty, but what about Eldraine's actual royalty, the dashing Kenrith Kids? Two useful +1s and an achievable ultimate make The Royal Scions an attractive card to brew around, in both Modern and Pioneer. We've got more than a dozen new lists, so whether you like looting for value, unlocking graveyard synergies, or pumping creatures and turning them sideways, there's something for everyone this week!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: Pioneer B&R Announcement
Pioneer B&R Announcement
Aaron Forsythe tweet
Kiora Green Devotion (Dan): 3-2 league
Flashback: Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner
Classic Niv-Mizzet (Damon): 5-0 league
Once Upon KiorDrazi (Dan): 5-0 league, 3-3 Modern Challenge
Once Upon Kiora (Damon): 4-1 league
RG Dragons (David): 2-3 league, 4-1 league
RG Dragons (Damon): 0-4 league, 4-1 league
Jeskai Dragons (David): 4-1 league, 1-4 league
Jeskai God-Pharaoh's Gift (David): 2-3 league
Brew Session: The Royal Scions
Sketch 1: Grixis Royal Arcanist
Sketch 2: Izzet Royal Prowess
Sketch 3a: 4c Royal Vehicles v1
Sketch 3b: 4c Royal Vehicles v2
Sketch 4a: Grixis Flamewake v1
Sketch 4b: Grixis Flamewake v2
Sketch 5: Temur Deathtouch Company
Sketch 6: Temur Pummeler
Sketch 7: 4c Faeburrow Company
Sketch 1: Grixis Royal Arcanist
Sketch 2: Temur Royal Phoenix
Sketch 3: Wrenn and Scions Midrange
Sketch 4: Izzet Collected Ponza
Reference: Blue Moon (thepensword)
Reference: Temur Kiora (Dan, 5-0)
Reference: Faeburrow Niv (Damon, 5-0)

Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Bonecrushing and Glorybringing in Modern and Pioneer
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 7: Bonecrusher Giant
It's finally time to dive into Pioneer, so it's no surprise that the first card we want to brew around is... Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner? That's right, Kiora! An old favorite on Faithless Brewing, Kiora has always been secretly excellent in Modern, especially when paired with Glorybringer in a ramp shell. New additions from Eldraine have Dan interested in updating the Modern list, while David believes that the basic shell can be ported over to Pioneer as well. But that's not all that Kiora can do. Looking outside of green, David has some wilder ideas for unlocking Kiora's synergies in Esper, Grixis, and Izzet. Do any of them have what it takes to keep up in the wild west that is Pioneer?
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Also, Dan has a new article up at, covering the rules of engagement for building successful decks in Pioneer. Check it out!
Roundup: SCG Atlanta + Week 1 of Pioneer
Simic Urza Oko Goose (by Zan Syed): 4th place, SCG Atlanta Modern Open
Boros Burn (by Lichking7): 7-1, Pioneer Challenge
Brew Session: Kiora in Modern and Pioneer
Modern lists
Bonecrusher Oko-Kiora (Dan): 5-0 league
For a writeup on the evolution of this deck, see this article.
Once Upon KiorDrazi (Dan): 5-0 league
Pioneer lists
Sketch #1: Gruul Ramp
Sketch #2: Esper Dragons
Sketch #3: Grixis Hollow One
Sketch #4: Izzet God-Pharaoh's Gift

Monday Oct 28, 2019
Modern After Regionals
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 6: New Spice from SCG Regionals
In this second half of our double header episode, we are tackling all things Modern: spicy brews from SCG Regionals, testing results with The Great Henge, plus Damon's Top 8 finish in his Standard MCQ in Mox Boarding House, Seattle. Does the Czech testing house's Bant Ramp deck hold lessons for Modern as well?
Two other important announcements this week:
First: We are extremely excited to announce the launch of our Faithless Brewing PATREON (! Many of you have been asking us about this over these past five months, and lo, it has at last come to pass. Patreon is where you can support the show directly, and receive a variety of cool benefits as thanks, including bonus content, swag, and access to our Faithless Brewing Discord channel. We are very excited to build a community of brewers in the Faithless Family, which we hope can be a place to interact not just with us but with the many talented and creative brewers that make up our listener base. So if you like what we produce, find value in it, and want to help us make it even better, be sure to check it out!
Second, I mentioned that this Episode is part of a double header. The other half, which is posted as separately (as Episode 27), is already available on our channel and offers a guide to the Pioneer format from the perspective of a Modern player. We unpack the manabases, removal options, disruption tools, the most powerful cards and strategies, and how to combat them. If you are Modern player wondering how to get started brewing in Pioneer, you won't want to miss this!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Weekend Roundup
5:21 Bant Ramp (Damon, via Czech testing house): Top 8, Standard MCQ at Mox Boarding House, Seattle
13:57 Urza Oko (by Zan Syed): 1st place, SCG Regionals Raleigh-Durham
18:23 Simic Eldrazi (by aspiringspike): 7-2 regionals, several 5-0s, also top 8 in MTGO PTQ (by C_E.L)
23:14 Foodie Niv-Mizzet (by Cameron Martinez): 1st place, SCG Regionals Knoxville
25:01 Faeburrow BTL Saheeli (David): 4-1 league
33:33 BTL Kiki Copycat (by forenmagra): four 5-0s in his last six leagues
Flashback: The Great Henge
35:58 Sultai Hengevine: 4-1 league
39:57 Golgari Undying: 4-1 league
45:29 Bant Monkeyhenge: 2-3 league
46:57 Mono Green Stompy: 2-3 league
54:22 Hengehammer Gruul: 4-1 league

Friday Oct 25, 2019
How to Brew Successfully in a New Format
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 5: A Brewer's Guide to Pioneer
Well that was unexpected. The birth of a new format is a strange and wonderful thing. “Brewer’s paradise” is a phrase that gets thrown around often, and if that doesn’t apply to times like these, when does it ever apply? For a brewing podcast like ours, a completely unexplored format must be a dream come true.
The truth is that successful brewing is actually quite difficult when a metagame is completely undefined. We cannot attack a meta from unexpected angles if we ourselves have no idea what to expect.
So what should we expect from Pioneer? How do we build decks in this exciting new format? Fear not, you Faithless Brewers, we have you covered!
In this special bonus episode, we take a deep dive into the Pioneer card pool. We unpack the mana bases, removal options, the most powerful cards and strategies, and the decks you will need to be prepared for on Day 1 -- everything you need to get brewing and start battling in the queues!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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2:38 What is Pioneer?
5:18 Initial reactions + unpacking the B&R philosophy
11:15 Getting to know the card pool: Pioneer and Modern, compared
17:00 Understanding Pioneer mana bases: lands and ramp options
32:11 Cards that used to be banned in Standard and Modern
45:42 Understanding interactive tools in Pioneer: removal, sweepers, counterspells, and hand disruption
1:02:16 Understanding the Day 1 metagame: the most powerful strategies in the format
1:22 Summary: The Rules of Engagement for Day 1 of Pioneer

Sunday Oct 20, 2019
The Great Henge and Beyond
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Throne of Eldraine, Episode 4: The Great Henge
Some weeks, when we pick a card to feature, we know it will be a hit. Charming Prince is a versatile role player. Emry is insanely efficient. Oko is simply Broko, and might prove too strong even for eternal formats. Brewing around these cards is a great way to get acquainted with future format staples, and maybe rack up some trophies in the process.
Other times, however, it is helpful to brew from the other end of the spectrum: pick a card that might prove totally unplayable, explore it to its fullest, and see where that leads. The Great Henge is one such card. Like the rest of Eldraine's mythic artifact cycle, The Great Henge demands an impossible mana investment, but offers a quest that might let you summon it on the cheap. Meeting this condition is already a giant puzzle, to say nothing of crafting a game plan that can exploit the Henge's abilities while also keeping pace with the brutal Modern format.
This week, our goal is to stretch our deckbuilding muscles. This means brewing in Hard Mode. Forget about 5-0s, or tuning a sideboard for the meta; these decks might not even survive the goldfishing stage. But the farther there is to climb, the more we stand to learn from the attempt. Join us as we venture to the Great Henge and beyond!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: Latest Developments in Modern
Utopia Niv-Mizzet (Dan): Top 4, SCG IQ Danbury, Sprawls are quite good at landing a planeswalker on turn 2, which may prove more important going forward
Sultai Into the Story (Raphael Mark): Top 2, SCG IQ Danbury, a strong take on the Mystic Sultai hard control archetype
Flashback: Charming Prince
Naya Dubious Defector: 13-7 leagues, hilarious and powerful, struggles to play defense
GW Charming Challenge: 2-3 league, Iona is stronger than Woodfall Primus/Worldspine Wurm, but requires giving up Through the Breach
Boros Blink: 2-3 league, grinds well, but struggles to disrupt unfair decks
Charming Taxes: 2-3 league, relies heavily on Aether Vial and Stoneforge Mystic to present anything powerful
UW Charming Soulherder: 3-2 league, very strong but requires a lot of clicks and triggers to win
Brew Session: The Great Henge
Sketch #1: Golgari Hengevine
Sketch #2: Yolo Yorvo Combo Henge
Sketch #3: Basic Henge Stompy
Sketch #4: Arcanist Hengehammer Beats
Elfball Combo Henge (Meryn MTG): 5-2 in 1v1 queues