Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue

A Magic: the Gathering podcast for the spike rogue. Each week, we brew new decks in Modern and Pioneer. We put our creations to the test and share our findings on the air: what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Are you sick of going 0-5? We can help you go 3-2, in style! Created by Dan Schriever (@CavedanMTG), David Robertson (resident brew master), and Damon Alexander (brewer emeritus), and featuring Zach Ryl (@Manacymbal) & Emi Sagasti (@MordeToLight). Whether you’re a jank brewer, Day 2 warrior, FNM hero, or kitchen table end boss, our goal is to inspire your next great Magic deck. Take the Oath of Brewers and join our Discord community at, and visit our homepage for all of our latest decklists.

Friday Aug 07, 2020
A Second Chance at Love in Pioneer (ft. Aspiringspike)
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Core Set 2021, Episode 7: Surprise Pioneer B&R ft. Evart Moughon
Life has a funny way of giving you second chances. One week, you're flunking out of season 24 of The Bachelor, roseless and rejected. The next week you're the darling of Bachelor in Paradise, delighting audiences with your antics as you revel in another shot at romance. So, too, in Magic: one week your format is a ghost town, with near-empty tournament queues and a "healthy and balanced" metagame of four combo decks, each with strengths and weaknesses against each other. The next week, practically the entire Tier 1 metagame is banned, and we are suddenly presented with a second chance at love in a wide open Pioneer.
This week we welcome special guest Evart Moughon, aka Aspiringspike, to survey the new Pioneer landscape after the long shadows of Theros combo decks have been lifted. We tackle a bit of post-Astrolabe Modern as well, and wind down with some questions for Evart from the Brewers' Mailbag. Is this the dawn of a new era of brewing? What new decks and strategies might rise to the top? Which pre-Theros strategies are poised for a resurgence? The one thing we know for sure: if Aspiringspike has anything to say about it, it's going to involve a lot of Shark Typhoons. Happy brewing!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Where to find Evart:
Flashback: Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse
Temur One-Mind Jolrael
BG Jolrael Enchantress
Sultai Jolrael Delirium
Brew Session: A Second Chance at Love in Pioneer
UB Narset's Undoing
UB Tome Diviner
UG Sublime Sharks
Jeskai Lukka Sharks
Mono-G Karn

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Jolrael Empress of BEATS (ft. ManaCymbal)
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Core Set 2021, Episode 6: Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse
What happens when you take a mechanic based on drawing extra cards, and move it out of Izzet colors and into Green? Does it somehow get a whole lot better? Jolrael thinks so, and we are inclined to agree. The empress of the Jamuraan jungles has gotten a lot leaner, fiercer, and more cat-friendly since we last saw her all the way back in Prophecy. As a splashable two-mana legend that generates tempo and card advantage every turn, Jolrael seems to have all the right moves for both Modern and Pioneer, so let's see what she can do!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: Brewers' Mailbag ft. ManaCymbal
Where to find Zach:
Links to Zachs' YouTube, Twitter, etc. can be found here
Flashback: Mazemind Tome
Blue Moon (Damon): 4-1 league
Eldrazi Tron: 5-4 ManaTraders Qualifiers
Classic Dice Factory (by Hampuse1): 2-3 league
Saheeli Dice Factory (by Brian M): 3-2 league
Blue Tron (by Lordofthelobsters): 3-0 league
UB Tome Diviner (David, Zach): 4-1 league, 3-2 league
Mazemind Niv (by Grixisism)
Esper Maze-Seize (by Spotred)
Brew Session: Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse
Sketch: Jolrael's Shadow
Sketch: Bant Jolrael
Sketch: Temur Tokens
Sketch: Jolrael GW Taxes
Sketch: Jolrael UG Kinnan
Sketch: Jolrael Delirium
Sketch: Bant Cycling
Sketch: Jundrael Enchantress

Friday Jul 24, 2020
The New Sylvan Library: Brewing Mazemind Tome
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Core Set 2021, Episode 5: Mazemind Tome
M21's Mazemind Tome certainly looks unassuming. For a small 2-mana down payment, you get the option to "crack a Clue," as it were, by paying another 2-mana installment. If you don't want to spend mana, you can trade a Clue for a scry 1. Do that four times, then collect 4 life. Sounds simple enough. Can a bootleg Tireless Tracker really set the Modern format on fire?
Well, don't take our word for it, just ask the Eldrazi Tron players who have adopted this card en masse while surging to the top of the metagame in the wake of last week's B&R. You can blame those players too for the Sylvan Library comparison: it's not that there is an actual mechanical similarity between the two cards, but exude that same energy of "I've got this": if you get your engine down safely and have a few turns to extract value from it, you feel like a million bucks.
The beautiful thing about Tome is that it is colorless and cheap, which means it can potentially fit in a host of different strategies. It's not exactly a "build-around," as it asks very little of you and mostly supports whatever else your deck is attempting. But it does its job efficiently and well, and who isn't in the market for a reserve supply of 4 Clues? We've asked the question, so we'll do our best to answer it this week with some new homes (and some old ones) for Mazemind Tome in both Modern and Pioneer. Happy brewing!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: Modern + Pioneer After the B&R
UW SharkBlade (by HeyPharaoh, 2nd place Modern Champs)
Eldrazi Tron (by TheTunnelingCat, 1st place Modern Champs)
Mono-White Tokens (by Marxelo, 7-2 Modern Champs)
Fervent Sunforger (by qbturtle15, 5-0 Modern League)
Pioneer: Aggregate results from Challenge + last four Prelims (by FamousOnLine)
Flashback: Teferi, Master of Time
Teferi Delirium (Dan): 6-4 leagues (a "Robertson 9-1," three losses were timeouts)
Teferi Phoenix (David): 2-3 league
Izzet Moon (Damon): 3-2 league
UW Miracles (Dan): 2-3 league
Brew Session: Mazemind Tome
Reference: Blue Moon (Damon)
Reference: Eldrazi Tron (by TheTunnelingCat, 1st place Modern Champs)
Reference: Dice Factory (by Hampuse1, 5-0 Modern League)
Reference: Blue Tron (by Lordofthelobsters, 5-0 Modern League)
Reference: Skred Red (by utopia_mycon, 5-0 Modern League)
Sketch 1: Klothys Prison
Sketch 2: Tome Diviner

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Teferi Is Better than Jace, Change My Mind
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Core Set 2021, Episode 4: Teferi, Master of Time
Recently, certain members of the Faithless Brewing brain trust expressed skepticism that new Teferi could ever possibly be better than Jace, the Mind Sculptor (I won't name names, so let's just call them D***). How could any 2UU walker ever compete with JTMS, perhaps the greatest planeswalker of all time? But here's the thing: they don't write the show notes.
This week, we settle the score once and for all by putting Teferi through his paces in four different archetypes. And we do so set against the brave new landscapes of two formats completely refreshed by this week's B&R announcement. The metagame is brand new! Anything is possible now in Modern and Pioneer! .... ***wait, what's that? oh.... Modern only? no bans this week in Pioneer? awkward...*** Correction: Modern looks brand new and Pioneer looks as healthy and balanced as ever, so let's forge ahead!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Notable decks from around the leagues:
Chromatic Combo Tron (by Trellon, 5-0 league)
Liliana 8-Rack (by D00mwake, 5-0 league)
Sultai Neo-Evolution (by sivek, 5-0 league)
Flashback: Archfiend's Vessel
Abzan Horse Vessel: 1-4 league
BW Liliana’s Vessels: 4-1 league, 3-2 league
Archfiend Jund: 2-3 league
Brew Session: Teferi, Master of Time
Sketch 1: Te4eri Delirium (Pioneer)
Sketch 2: Te4eri Phoenix (Pioneer)
Sketch 3: Izzet Rielle (Modern)
Sketch 4: UW Miracles (by Zach Allen, Top 8 Modern Challenge)

Friday Jul 10, 2020
Big Surprises in Tiny Archfiend's Vessels
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Core Set 2021, Episode 3: Archfiend's Vessel
Archfiend's Vessel is a card to make your jaw drop. 5/5 flying? For a single black mana? Move over, Gurmag Angler; where can we sign up?
As with most demonic bargains, the truth is that Archfiend's Vessel is rife with hidden costs. On the surface, the bargain is simple: kill my vessel, then bring it back for demonic fun and profit. But the card gives no guidance on how we are actually supposed achieve this. A 1/1 lifelink is not a relevant combat creature, so you can't rely on your opponent to kill the Vessel for you. And it's not like "reanimate a creature" is an effect that just gets thrown around for free. Once you set out to solve all the puzzles, the Archfiend might not feel like such a bargain after all. But, as we know, there's only one way to find out, so let's build some decks!
Meanwhile, around the Multiverse: a surprise B&R announcement has us putting on our speculation hats again, this time for both Pioneer and Modern. There's plenty that we'd like to see changed, but the timing of the announcement is also suspicious: is it possible that something will be freed from B&R purgatory? We make our best guesses before the bombshell is dropped on Monday. Also on the Flashback: our testing results with Silversmote Ghoul.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: B&R Predictions
Modern Predictions
Pioneer Predictions
Flashback: Silversmote Ghoul
Mardu Helix (Modern): 3-2 league
WB Silversmote Midrange (Pioneer): 1-4 league
Sultai Blood for Ghoul (Pioneer): 1-4 league
Sultai Jolrael Delirium (Pioneer): 4-1 league
Brew Session: Archfiend's Vessel
Four Conceptual Challenges
Reanimation Options
Reference: BR Lurrus Rites (by Wolfie98, 4-1 Pioneer preliminary)
Sketch 1: Rakdos Archfiend Rites (Modern)
Brainstorm: Archfiend Pox (Modern)
Sketch 2: Abzan Collected Sacrifice (Pioneer)
Sketch 3: Abzan Horse Rallier (Pioneer)

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Confessions of a Smitten Ghoul
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Core Set 2021, Episode 2: Silversmote Ghoul
Life comes at you fast when you're a 200-year-old vampire. One day, you're a suave, brooding heartthrob, the envy of your high school. Your skin sparkles in sunlight, you play baseball during thunderstorms, and you just proposed to your girlfriend the day after her prom (that's not weird at all, right?). Here's hoping Bella says yes!
Then, one day, some Hero McJerkface sticks a silver dagger in your back, and suddenly you're a Zombie Vampire. You're now 200% undead, your hair starts to fall out, and when you look in the mirror... yikes. Such is the life of a silver-smitten ghoul. Tough break, Edward!
Nobody asked for a Twilight meets World War Z crossover, and to be honest nobody asked for Silversmote Ghoul either. But it's here, and it's free, so we should probably take a very close look. The new Prized Amalgam has a unique trigger condition and has already made a splash in both Modern and Pioneer, thanks to the incidental lifegain tacked onto format staples like Creeping Chill and Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. We've got seven new Ghoul lists this week, plus more coming down the pipeline.
Also in this edition: a first look at M21 tournament finishes; our testing results with Conspicuous Snoop; and a difficult listener question about the future of Pioneer and Historic. Let's dive in!
Roundup: First Results with M21
03:46 Conspicuous Snoop
04:38 Frantic Inventory
07:21 Stormwing Entity
Izzet Prowess (by Spiderspace, 5-0 league)
Temur Delver (by TubbyBatman, 5-0 league)
10:34 Chandra’s Incinerator
Mono-Red (by Cherryxman, 5-0 league)
14:46 Thieves Guild Enforcer
Grixis Vantress Delver (by RogerSteady, Top 8 Modern Challenge)
Fierce Empath
Amulet Titan (by Moniz0801, Top 16, Modern Challenge)
18:51 Sublime Epiphany
Simic Reclamation (by talos41, T16 Pioneer Challenge)
23:00 Eliminate vs Heartless Act
25:41 Lofty Denial + Shacklegeist
UW Spirits (by Phil_Hellmuth, 5-0 league)
28:45 Selfless Savior
GW Devoted Druid (by Meanfannypack, 5-0 league)
30:20 Teferi, Master of Time
Modern Bant Snow (by McWinSauce, T16 Modern Challenge)
Pioneer Esper Control (by killersuv, T32 Pioneer Challenge)
Worldgorger Dragon Combo (by fire10798, Legacy Challenge Winner)
32:58 Silversmote Ghoul
33:36 Mailbag: The Future of Pioneer and Historic
Flashback: Conspicuous Snoop
55:40 "Classic" Snoop (by Sebastian Steuckl): 1-4 league
59:50 "Double Combo" Snoop: 3-2 league
1:03:06 5-Discard Snoop (by kanister, 5-0 league)
1:13:59 Snoopwhacker Aggro: 1-4 league
1:15:40 Snoopcleaver Aggro: 3-2 league
Brew Session: Silversmote Ghoul
1:25:54 Sketch 1: Mardu Helix (Modern)
1:32:16 Sketch 2: Sultai Ghoul Emerge (Pioneer)
1:35:53 Sketch 3: Sultai Dredge (Pioneer)
1:41:48 Sketch 4: Abzan Energy (Pioneer)
1:45:47 Sketch 5: Silversmote Vampires (Pioneer)
1:48:56 Sketch 6: Blood for Bones Reanimator (Pioneer)
1:51:48 Sketch 7: Jolrael Sultai (Pioneer)
Reference lists:
Silversmote Dredge (by Sodeq, T4 Modern Challenge)
Sultai Dredge Emerge (by AlexFiero, 5-0 League)
Sultai Dredge (by PigNorton, 5-0 League)
Sultai Reanimator (by illsicknasty, 12-3 Leagues)

Friday Jun 26, 2020
Death by Snoopy
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Core Set 2021, Episode 1: Conspicuous Snoop
"Umm... Is that a goblin with his face pressed up against our window?" "Yeah" "Is he... spying on us?" "Yeah, it's exactly what it looks like."
Today's episode is exactly what it looks like. During preview week, it took approximately 7 minutes for the Modern community to latch onto the hot new combo involving Conspicuous Snoop. Play Snoop, play Boggart Harbinger, put Kiki-Jiki on top, easy as you please. As far as combos go, this one is pretty conspicuous.
So should we as Faithless Brewers even bother exploring this card, or should we trust in the collective efforts of the hive mind to Figure It Out? Everyone else is also working on this deck and the concept is very powerful, seeming to slot into an already solid Goblins strategy. That said, we don't often get chances to do a Goblin Week, and when you dig deeper into the tribe, it turns out there are many branching paths that can take a Goblins deck into unexpected places. This is especially true in Pioneer where the infinite combo is not available. As clear-cut as the combo is, there are many questions to be answered, not least of which is: How good is Conspicuous Snoop, really? We've got our first round of M21 deck sketches ready, so let's head to the queues to find out!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: Top Picks for M21
6:45 Kinnan Urza (Jiggywiggy, 7-1 Modern Challenge)
Kinnan Urza Deck Guide (by ManaCymbal)
Core Set 2021 Preview Roundup
15:30 Most Overrated
20:48 Most Underrated
33:15 Best fits for Existing decks
36:00 Best for spawning new archetypes
39:00 Most Fun / Most Excited to Brew With
44:50 Top 5 Overall
Flashback: Sprite Dragon
47:55 Izzet Prowess (Modern): 5-5 leagues
55:30 Grixis Lurrus (Modern): 2-3 league
1:04:48 One Mind Prowess (Pioneer): 2-3 league
1:10:45 Dragon Tempo (Pioneer): 6-4 leagues
1:18:30 Sprite Phoenix (Pioneer): 7-3 leagues
Brew Session: Conspicuous Snoop
1:30:12 A History of Goblins
1:33:20 Bushwhacker Aggro
1:37:13 Post-MH1 Midrange Goblins
1:40:40 Grumgully Combo Goblins
1:47:06 Sketch 1: "Classic" Snoop Combo (Modern)
1:52:35 Sketch 2: Snoopy Double Combo (Modern)
1:58:33 Sketch 3: Snoopwhacker Aggro (Pioneer)

Friday Jun 19, 2020
The Littlest Dragon with the Biggest Heart
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Ikoria, Episode 11: Sprite Dragon
The brewers have spoken! Two weeks ago, we unveiled the ten nominees for our Brewers' Choice episode. Now, the ballots have been cast, the votes have been tallied, and the winning card is... Sprite Dragon!
Narrowly edging out Sundial of the Infinite, Sprite Dragon could not be more different from the goofy artifacts we have busied ourselves with in past editions of Brewers' Choice. Sprite Dragon is, by many accounts, a "good card," even a format staple in certain metas. And yet, if it's true that a card is only as good as the decks it engenders, we must also admit that there is not currently an established "Sprite Dragon deck." The reign of Lurrus Grixis Delver in Modern was short-lived. Izzet Prowess in Pioneer has seen some recent success in the 5-0s, but beyond that it seems that the adorable hellkite is still searching for its forever home.
In other Magic news, we have the full set reveal for Core Set 2021, which means it is time for Part 2 of our Brewers' Guide to M21! The set looks stacked with intriguing build-around options. It also seems much more balanced than previous sets, with a noticeable lack of outlier cards likely to upend Magic's tournament formats. In short, it is a true brewer's paradise. We talk through the cards we are most excited to start building decks with, as well as our testing results with Sea-Dasher Octopus from last week.
Finally, if you haven't done so already, be sure to check out our sixth and final episode of Rogue Refinery! We gave the series a proper send-off with some truly awesome decks with Rielle, the Everwise (and multiple 5-win events to show for it). WotC is eager for feedback on this pilot series, so if you liked this style of content and would like to see more of it in the future, be sure to leave a comment on the video and show some love! Watch the series finale of Rogue Refinery here:
Roundup: M21 Previews, Week 2
10:42 Speaker of the Heavens -- 14:21 Thieves' Guild Enforcer -- 18:03 Miscast -- 20:00 Conspicuous Snoop -- 25:34 Heartfire Immolator -- 28:45 Conclave Mentor -- 30:58 Track Down -- 32:56 Ghostly Pilferer -- 35:33 Shacklegeist -- 37:57 Lofty Denial -- 39:00 Frantic Inventory -- 41:59 Barrin, Tolarian Archmage -- 44:30 Demonic Embrace -- 47:44 Silversmote Ghoul -- 50:58 Nine Lives -- 52:54 Radha, Heart of Keld -- 55:11 Sporeweb Weaver -- 56:30 Garruk's Uprising -- 58:03 Garruk, Unleashed -- 1:00:23 Transmogrify -- 1:02:55 Terror of the Peaks -- 1:05:46 Discontinuity -- 1:07:48 Sublime Epiphany
Flashback: Sea-Dasher Octopus
1:14:10 Mono-Blue Octopus Flash: 4-1 league
1:22:14 Emry Octopus: 3-2 league, 3-2 league
1:29:33 Bant Octoform: 0-2 league, 0-3 league
Brew Session: Sprite Dragon
1:36:49 Theorycraft: Finding a Home for Sprite Dragon
1:42:48 Sketch 1: Stormwing Prowess
1:46:35 Sketch 2: Jeskai Dragons
Reference lists (pre-Companion nerf)
Lurrus Grixis Delver (Zonast, MTGO SuperQ, 1st place)
Lurrus Grixis Shadow (WhiteHatMan, 5-0 league)
Lurrus Jeskai Control (Nilsfit, 5-0 league)
1:51:17 Sketch 3: Dragon Tempo
1:55:53 Izzet One-Mind Prowess (doshimo1110, 5-0 league)
Reference lists:
Izzet Wizard Prowess (MangoPunch, 5-0 league)
Lurrus Jeskai Heroic (pre-nerf) (PigNorton, 6-2 Pioneer Challenge)