Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue

A Magic: the Gathering podcast for the spike rogue. Each week, we brew new decks in Modern and Pioneer. We put our creations to the test and share our findings on the air: what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Are you sick of going 0-5? We can help you go 3-2, in style! Created by Dan Schriever (@CavedanMTG), David Robertson (resident brew master), and Damon Alexander (brewer emeritus), and featuring Zach Ryl (@Manacymbal) & Emi Sagasti (@MordeToLight). Whether you’re a jank brewer, Day 2 warrior, FNM hero, or kitchen table end boss, our goal is to inspire your next great Magic deck. Take the Oath of Brewers and join our Discord community at, and visit our homepage for all of our latest decklists.

Wednesday May 29, 2019
The Dreadhorde Arcanist Dilemma
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
War of the Spark, Episode 5: Dreadhorde Arcanist
Modern Horizons previews are burning up the internet, but the crew still has unfinished business with War of the Spark. Dreadhorde Arcanist is a powerful two-drop that has proven itself in Legacy, but hasn’t yet made a splash in Modern. Is the Arcanist best used for grinding value, or should we be smashing face? Dave has a decklist for each strategy, so let’s discuss!
Flashback: Karn, the Great Creator and Teferi, Time Raveler
It was a shorter than normal week of testing, but we still played enough to learn that we hated the Liquimetal Jund list. Play Karn, but don’t play Karn here. Teferi Scepter seemed more promising, but there is plenty of work still to be done.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Liquimetal Jund: tried and rejected
Teferi Scepter Lock: more testing needed
Brew Session: Dreadhorde Arcanist
Grixis Value Arcanist
Temur Phoenix Arcanist
Bonus Content: Modern Horizons Quick Hits
Dan has some early takes on cards he is excited about. Find his article here on the Modern subreddit!

Wednesday May 22, 2019
The Planeswalker Fun Police: Karn, Prison Warden and Teferi, Time Cop
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
War of the Spark, Episode 4: Karn, the Great Creator and Teferi, Time Raveler
You don’t have to look far these days to find Karn, Teferi, and Narset locking down battlefields across all formats. We don’t have to like it, but we owe it to ourselves to at least try them out in some brews. David is intrigued by Liquimetal Coating and Isochron Scepter, while Dan has his eye on Lavinia, Azorius Renegade.
Flashback: Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner
Another week, another Faithless 5-0! We recap our week of testing with Kiora, which led us to create a sleek new Glorybringer list that would make the Mother of Dragons proud (is it too soon?). But we didn’t stop there; the crew also tried numerous other builds featuring a wild menagerie of 4-power creatures: Vexing Devil, Rampaging Baloths, Thought-Knot Seer, God-Eternal Oketra. Which ones are tournament ready and which ones are best discarded?
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Vexing Zoo: tried and rejected
Abzan Little Kid: needs tuning
Dragon Ramp: tournament ready (5-0 league, 16-4 overall)
Proposed but not tested: Green Devotion, Temur Ascendancy, Bant Eldrazi
Brew Session: Karn, the Great Creator and Teferi, Time Raveler
Liquimetal Jund:
Teferi, Isochron Silencer:
Teferi-Lavinia Lock:
Mix and Match Walker Combo:
Reference lists mentioned on cast:
Mono-Red Karn Prison:
Teferi-Knowledge Pool Lock:
Copycat PW Extravaganza:
Narset Pitch Blue:

Wednesday May 15, 2019
Kiora Beckons! How to Make Your Mana and Draw Cards Too
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
War of the Spark, Episode 3: Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner
War of the Spark is chock full of spicy planeswalkers, so it’s no surprise that Dan wants to go deep on… Kiora? Yes, Kiora! The Behemoth Expert ramps you like a big Arbor Elf (or a mini-Garruk, or a bootleg Amulet) and also keeps the cards flowing. This puts her in a class of her own. But can this intriguing engine find a home in Modern? David has some ideas, so let’s discuss!
Flashback: Niv-Mizzet Reborn
It was a promising week of Niv-Mizzet testing. Many dragon avatars were brought to light, and many, many cards were drawn. The control shell proved 5-0 worthy and is a solid concept, but the mana base needs more basic lands and the best ramp option has yet to be determined (Birds of Paradise? Sakura-Tribe Elder? Sarkhan Fireblood?). David also had good results with a turbo-ramp midrange shell, so there’s a lot here still to explore.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Niv to Light: 5-0 League
Turbo-Niv Midrange: 4-1 League
Brew Session: Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner
Sketch 1.0: Little Kid Abzan
Sketch 1.1: Little Kid GW
Sketch 2.0: Temur Ferocious
Sketch 2.1: Gruul Ramp
Sketch 3: Vexing Zoo
Bonus ideas mentioned on cast:
Kiora + Nykthos (Green devotion shell)
Kiora + Eldrazi Temple (Bant Eldrazi shell)
Kiora + Sakura-Tribe Scout + karoos (Rampaging Baloths ramp)

Monday May 13, 2019
The Dragon Reborn: Unlocking Rainbow Niv-Mizzet
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
War of the Spark Season, Episode 2: Niv-Mizzet Reborn
Dan has a chip on his shoulder and is eager to prove the haters wrong about Niv-Mizzet Reborn, his pick for War of the Spark sleeper hit in Modern. But how to make use of a 5 mana engine? How to build the rainbow mana base? And what two-color cards are we even trying to cast? We discuss several possible sketches, including Turbo-Ramp, Golden Hatebears, Niv to Light Control, and GBx Rainbow Rock. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time!
Flashback: Neoform
We discuss our results after a week of testing Bant Monkeyform, including a 5-0 competitive league and top 8 at an SCG IQ. Not too shabby! The deck is sweet and appears to have legs, and tails, and fins (or whatever frog-lizards have).
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Bant Monkeyform: 5-0 League
Bant Monkeyform: SCG IQ Top 8
Brew Session: Niv-Mizzet Reborn
Sketch 1: Golden Hatebears
Sketch 2: Niv-Mizzet Ramp
Sketch 3: Niv to Light Control
Sketch 4: Rainbow Rock

Monday May 13, 2019
My Monkey Style Defeats Your Dino Style: Neoform in Aggro and Combo
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
War of the Spark Season, Episode 1: Neoform
Eldritch Evolution hit the gym and got a little leaner, a little meaner, and potentially a lot more powerful. The crew dives deep into Neoform, an exciting new tutor from War of the Spark. What can we do with this card? Is it just another creature toolbox option, or are there more powerful synergies to be unlocked?
Brew session: Neoform
Sketch 1: Allosaurus Combo
Sketch 2: Neo-Eldrazi
Sketch 3: Bant Monkeyform
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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