Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue

A Magic: the Gathering podcast for the spike rogue. Each week, we brew new decks in Modern and Pioneer. We put our creations to the test and share our findings on the air: what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Are you sick of going 0-5? We can help you go 3-2, in style! Created by Dan Schriever (@CavedanMTG), David Robertson (resident brew master), and Damon Alexander (brewer emeritus), and featuring Zach Ryl (@Manacymbal) & Emi Sagasti (@MordeToLight). Whether you’re a jank brewer, Day 2 warrior, FNM hero, or kitchen table end boss, our goal is to inspire your next great Magic deck. Take the Oath of Brewers and join our Discord community at, and visit our homepage for all of our latest decklists.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Modern Horizons 2 Full Set Review, Part 3
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Modern Horizons 2, Episode 3: Brewer's Guide to Modern Horizons, Volume III
MH2 #3 At a Glance:
[3:36] Initial impressions
[7:21] Titania, Protector of Argoth
[11:27] Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth
[15:21] Fury
[22:05] Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer
[28:08] Bloodbraid Marauder
[32:15] Dragon's Rage Channeler
[34:31] Svyelun of Sea and Sky
[35:19] Tide Shaper
[39:30] Seal of Removal
[41:54] Hard Evidence
[45:48] Karmic Guide
[51:01] Archon of Cruelty
[55:02] Sterling Grove
[58:05] Enchantress's Presence
[58:05] Sythis, Harvest’s Hand
[59:20] Sanctum Weaver
[1:01:11] Tireless Provisioner
[1:06:39] Thought Monitor
[1:10:36] General Ferrous Rokiric
[1:13:42] Shardless Agent
[1:19:39] Scion of Draco
[1:22:04] Calibrated Blast
[1:26:00] Moderation
A full transcript for this episode can be viewed at
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Sunday May 30, 2021
Grist for the Mill: More MH2 Previews + Strixhaven Testing Results
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
Modern Horizons 2, Episode 2: Previews, continued
MH2 #2 At a Glance
[4:25] Hollow One Conspiracy[10:02] Sultai BTL Quandrix Landcraft[14:26] 4c BTL Quandrix Landcraft[20:48] Grixis Prismari Thief[24:40] Dakkon, Shadow Slayer[29:27] Sword of Hearth and Home[31:54] Grist, the Hunger Tide[35:22] Yusri, Fortune's Flame
Decklists + a full transcipt for this episode can be viewed at
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Thursday May 27, 2021
Good Grief! A Brewer's Guide to Modern Horizons, Part 1
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Modern Horizons 2, Episode 1: Preview Week
MH2 #1 At a Glance
[4:02] Grief[9:03] Is Free Evoke Broken?[14:31] Subtlety[20:49] Profane Tutor[23:50] Cabal Coffers[28:25] Wonder[31:51] Kitchen Imp[36:36] Rishadan Dockhand[40:37] Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp[43:53] Ravenous Squirrel[47:19] Unmarked Grave[48:58] Priest of Fell Rites[53:40] Flametongue Yearling[57:57] Void Mirror[1:01:29] Chatterstorm[1:01:44] Thrasta, Tempest’s Roar[1:04:43] Fractured Sanity[1:09:49] Rise and Shine
Decklists + a full transcipt for this episode can be viewed at
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Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
Strixhaven, Episode 16: Brew Session + Flashback
Modern Horizons is here, which means it's last call for brews at the School of Mages. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. We're emptying out the canister this week with a few miscellaneous brews. Quandrix Apprentice showed promise last week, so David is keen to push it to the limit. Conspiracy Theorist has us hoping for a Hollow One revival. Prismari Command can force your opponent to draw and discard, which means Notion Thief is back on the menu.Meanwhile on the Flashback, our Izzet decks from last week acquitted themselves well, including a 5-0 with Expressive Iteration. But Galazeth Prismari managed to make a believer out of Dan, in Modern no less, leading to some truly crazy 5 color builds.
Decklists + a full transcipt for this episode can be viewed at
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STX #16 At a Glance
[4:32] Temur Quandrix Scapeshift
[12:48] Sultai Landcraft
[20:05] Hollow Conspiracy
[26:01] Grixis Prismari Command
[31:51] Expressive Death’s Shadow
[40:05] Gingerbread Galazeth BTL
[48:47] Izzet Galazeth Dragons
[55:06] izzet Rielle Looting

Friday May 21, 2021
20 Cards We Don't Want to See in Modern Horizons 2
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
Strixhaven, Episode 15: This Week in Brewing
Episode overview
Roundup: The end of the MPL, the future of Magic content, and what it all means for Modern and the average brewer.
Brew Review: Silvergaak by Brian M. What if Hogaak and KCI had a baby? This is a wild combo list that has our heads spinning and our gears turning.
Mailbag: A closer look at Fires of Invention, and a list of 20 proposed reprints for Modern Horizons 2. Would these cards be healthy for Modern or would they break the format?
Decklists + a full transcipt for this episode can be viewed at
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STX #15 At a Glance
[2:11] The end of the MPL[8:21] Would you still attend a Grand Prix?[17:35] The future of Magic content[20:22] Modern: the format Pros forgot[22:14] Brew Review: Silvergaak by Brian M[36:30] Why doesn’t Fires of Invention see more play?[42:56] Quick hits: Would these cards break Modern?[43:21] Punishing Fire[44:05] Palace Jailer[45:00] Recruiter of the Guard[45:35] Council’s Judgment[46:29] Archon of Valor’s Reach[47:40] Force of Will[47:51] Misdirection[48:59] Careful Study[50:10] Tendrils of Agony[50:50] Toxic Deluge[52:58] Hymn to Tourach[54:10] Sneak Attack[55:01] Sulfuric Vortex[55:37] Chaos Warp[56:19] Price of Progress[57:27] Leovold, Emissary of Trest[57:57] Fire // Ice[58:55] Baleful Strix[1:00:03] Rishadan Port[1:00:46] Crystal Vein

Sunday May 16, 2021
Express Yourself: Galazeth Brews for the Prismari Virtuoso
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Strixhaven, Episode 14: Galazeth Prismari, Expressive Iteration
Expressive Iteration is making its presence felt. Already a staple in Izzet Prowess in Modern, more and more decks are realizing that they might be able to get good use from this powerful Prismari sorcery. Meanwhile, Galazeth Prismari himself continues to pose a riddle: make artifacts, to cast instants and sorceries, while also winning with medium sized Dragons. Its a formula that David just can't quit as he's back again with four new decks to test in Modern and Pioneer.Meanwhile on the Flashback, Sedgemoor Witch had a tough outing. Whether in more speculative Golgari token brews, or in the tried and true Rakdos shells, it was hard to unlock the promise of the Witch, even if the combo with Tend the Pests was decidedly sweet. Still, the Witch keeps showing up in Modern 5-0s, and Dan has some ideas for promising new directions.
Decklists + a full transcipt for this episode can be viewed at
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STX #14 At a Glance
[3:17] Prismari Command[5:19] Izzet Rielle[13:22] Galazeth Dragons[18:19] Expressive Shadow[22:53] Jeskai DragonBlade[28:15] BG Tend the Pests[31:00] BG Sedgemoor Adventures[35:06] Mardu Pyromancer[41:45] Mardu Mediums[46:54] Sultai Landcraft

Friday May 14, 2021
Is It Safe to Play Paper Magic Again?
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
Strixhaven, Episode 13: This Week in Brewing (May 14, 2021)
Paper Magic is returning on May 28, and Wizards is promising a legendary summer. But should you feel comfortable going to the LGS? There's lots to think about, but it all starts with getting vaccinated. If you have the ability to get your shot, go do it!As for the Summer of Legend the biggest hype is surely going to be Modern Horizons 2. The sneak peek alone gave us a format defining Counterspell, a Legacy powered creature, and a Saga that could very well reshape the format -- not to mention a pair of sweet callbacks to Lion's Eye Diamond and Brainstorm. We also analyze the five sneak peek cards from Dungeons and Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, headlined by Portable Hole.A lot has happened in the two days since we recorded this, including the disbanding of the Magic Pro League and new CDC guidance for vaccinated people and mask wearing. But spoiler hype is evergreen. Modern Horizons 2 already looks like game changer and we still have 240 more cards to go!
STX #13 At a Glance
[3:19] The Summer of Legend[5:38] Paper Play Is Back[12:50] MH2 Finance[19:29] Counterspell[25:43] Sanctum Prelate[29:12] Urza’s Saga[41:11] Brainstone[47:28] Diamond Lion[53:04] Portable Hole[57:33] Prosperous Innkeeper[1:00:42] Power Word Kill[1:01:41] Vorpal Sword[1:04:01] Tiamat
Decklists + a full transcipt for this episode can be viewed at
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Sunday May 09, 2021
Sedgemoor Witch: 99 Problems But a Witch Ain't One
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
Strixhaven, Episode 12: Sedgemoor Witch
At first glance, Sedgemoor Witch looks like more of the same: Monastery Mentor and Young Pyromancer are already fine options, and neither sees widespread play in Modern or Pioneer. Giving up Lurrus of the Dream-Den is a huge cost, and the Witch also doesn't get triggers from Mishra's Bauble, planeswalkers, or the like. But look closely at that wall of text -- peer deep into the Witch's haunting, hollow eyes -- and a unique skill set begins to emerge that neither Pyromancer nor Mentor can boast. Aggressive stats and more useful tokens are just the beginning. Copying your spells, particularly with synergistic pieces like Plumb the Forbidden or Flusterstorm, opens up entirely new lines of attack. And most importantly, Sedgemoor Witch is black, bring the power of the pyromancer to archetypes and mana configurations that previously did not have access to the effect.Rarely to do we get a chance to brew around a card that is making waves in Legacy and even Vintage but has been quiet so far in Modern and Pioneer. Let's fire up the cauldron and see what the witch can do!
Decklists + a full transcipt for this episode can be viewed at
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