Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue

A Magic: the Gathering podcast for the spike rogue. Each week, we brew new decks in Modern and Pioneer. We put our creations to the test and share our findings on the air: what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Are you sick of going 0-5? We can help you go 3-2, in style! Created by Dan Schriever (@CavedanMTG), David Robertson (resident brew master), and Damon Alexander (brewer emeritus), and featuring Zach Ryl (@Manacymbal) & Emi Sagasti (@MordeToLight). Whether you’re a jank brewer, Day 2 warrior, FNM hero, or kitchen table end boss, our goal is to inspire your next great Magic deck. Take the Oath of Brewers and join our Discord community at, and visit our homepage for all of our latest decklists.

Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Kaldheim Top 5s: Bold Predictions and Called Shots
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Kaldheim Season, Episode 4
New season, new podcast format! We're trying an experiment this week and releasing our usual show in three parts. Don't worry, the content you love hasn't gone anywhere, it's just being broken up into smaller chunks. Namely: two 25-minute episodes and a 50-minute episode, instead of one 100-minute episode.
The goal is to make our content more accessible, so that if you click on an episode called "Exciting Brews with Valki" it actually begins with us talking about exciting brews with Valki. Ditto for easily finding our discussions of testing results on the Flashback, or our Picks of the Week on the Roundup. We hope this will create a more listener friendly experience that lowers the barrier of entry to our show. Brewing is hard enough as it is!
That said, we know this change will take some getting used to, especially if you're very accustomed to our "one long show per week" routine. It may be confusing to see three shorter episodes suddenly appear on your podcast feed all on the same day. Just bear with us, and give this new format an honest trial run. Much like brewing, podcasting is also about iterating, experimenting, and improving. We are always happy for feedback, so get in touch with us @FaithlessMTG and let us know what you think!
Kaldheim Season, Episode 3: Set Review Roundup
This week marks the beginning of the Kaldheim brewing season, and we can't wait to dive in! First we put a bow on our preview episodes with a look back at our Top 5 cards, including the results of a listener poll of cards people are most excited to brew with. We also take a moment to declare our fearless predictions, boldest takes, and called shots. Who was right all along? And who will have already been proven wrong before this episode even goes live?
For the brew session, we have a Gods of Kaldheim double header. Wizards no longer restricts themselves to one card per card, so why shouldn't we also double up? The first cards up are Valki, God of Lies // Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor, and Alrund, God of the Cosmos // Hakka, Whispering Raven. You can find those episodes here:
Brew Session: Valki, God of Lies // Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor
Brew Session: Alrund, God of the Cosmos // Hakka, Whispering Raven
Also don't miss these new articles at
Learning Legacy: An Introduction for Modern Players
From the Ashes of the Astrolabe: Rediscovering Urza
Happy brewing!

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Lie to Me, Valki: Turn One Tibalt and Other Tall Tales
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Kaldheim Season, Episode 3: Valki, God of Lies // Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor
Valki is lying to you. Says so right on the box. The front half of Valki is a lot worse than it looks, and Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor is too much mana. And yet, with their powers combined, they just might be something special.
This is not just about the power of options. No, we're talking about outright shenanigans: the weird interaction of MDFCs with free effects like cascade, Bring to Light, and Tibalt's Trickery provide a bevy of options for landing Big Tibalt way ahead of schedule. But what happens after that? Does a turn 1 Tibalt actually convert to a win, or is that just another one of Valki's lies? There's only one way to find out: let's head to the queues!
Decklists for Valki
Sketch 1: Turn 1 Tibalt
Sketch 2: Valki Jund
Sketch 3: Turbo Trickery
Sketch 4: Esper Valki Queller
Sketch 5: Black Amber (Serum Visions Podcast Special)
Sketch 6: Living End Fakeout
We're experimenting with a new format this week and releasing our usual show in smaller chunks (namely, two 25-minute episodes and one 50-minute episode, instead of a single 100-minute episode). The goal is to make our content more accessible, so that if you click on an episode called "Exciting Brews with Valki" it actually starts with exciting brews with Valki. Ditto for our testing results and discussion of innovations in the metagame.
We know this will take some getting used to, but please bear with us as we iterate a bit and work out the kinks. We're want to create a more listener friendly experience and we're always happy for feedback! With that said, here's where you can find the rest of this week's content:
Roundup: Kaldheim Top 5s + Called Shots
Brew Session: Alrund, God of the Cosmos // Hakka, Whispering Raven

Friday Jan 22, 2021
Brewer's Guide to Kaldheim, Part 2: The Best of the Rest
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Kaldheim is now fully revealed and you all know what that means: a full episode of spicy hot takes on icy cool cards. This week saw some important pieces fell into place (hello Doomskar) as well as some surprising build-around engines (hello Birgi). Which gods are the strongest? Are the Giant payoffs worth it? And what in the world is "Boros slow motion Splinter Twin"?Our Kaldheim testing season kicks off next week, but today is all about the infinite possibilities. Happy brewing!
Visit our homepage for articles, bonus decklists and more.
Gods and Main Characters 5:54 Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider 9:13 Reidane, God of the Worthy // Valkmira, Protector’s Shield 14:39 Cosima, God of the Voyage // The Omenkeel 21:32 Birgi, God of Storytelling // Harnfel, Horn of Bounty 27:08 The World Tree 31:13 Path to the World Tree Azorius 33:26 Doomskar 39:37 Glorious Protector Boros 43:38 Goldspan Dragon 49:48 Forging the Tyrite Sword 53:21 Colossal Plow + Giant Ox 58:09 Runeforge Champion (+ the Rune cycle) Izzet 1:01:40 Invasion of the Giants 1:06:44 Glimpse the Cosmos 1:08:27 Battle of Frost and Fire 1:10:48 Aegar, the Freezing Flame, Calamity Bearer, Quakebringer, Cyclone Summoner, Frostpyre Arcanist, Basalt Ravager Simic 1:15:06 Masked Vandal 1:17:18 Orvar, the All-Form 1:20:32 Mystic Reflection Snow 1:23:51 Faceless Haven, Ascendant Spirit, Frost Augur 1:28:14 Frost Bite, Tundra Fumarole Golgari 1:31:00 Harald, King of Skemfar Orzhov 1:32:58 Righteous Valkyrie 1:35:26 Resplendent Marshal 1:36:58 Firja’s Retribution Gruul and Dimir 1:38:07 Arni Brokenbrow 1:40:25 Port of Karfell The Best of the Rest 1:42:40 In Search of Greatness 1:44:48 Dual Strike 1:47:05 Crippling Fear 1:48:38 Usher of the Fallen
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Friday Jan 15, 2021
Brewer's Guide to Kaldheim, Part 1: Of Gods and Men
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Faithless Brewing, Episode 89: Kaldheim Previews, Week 1
Kaldheim is here and there is an absolute blizzard of spicy new previews. Gods! More gods! Epic sagas, snowy spells, boastful blokes, tricky Tibalts, and much more. This is sure to be our most Metal preview show ever (at least until Part 2 next week) so let's dive right in!
Also in this edition: testing results with Blood Sun Jeskai, Boros Sunforger (trophy hype!), and a word about the terrifying events at the US capitol.
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
1:39 The US capitol riot 12:00 Housekeeping
Flashback: Valakut Awakening 13:57 Jeskai Blood Sun: 4-1 league, 2-3 league 21:58 Boros Sunforger: 5-0 league
Kaldheim Previews, Volume 1 30:57 The Mechanics of Kaldheim 36:14 Valki, God of Lies // Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor 44:27 Tergrid, God of Fright // Tergrid’s Lantern 48:05 Kolvori, God of Kinship // The Ringhart Crest 52:23 Jorn, God of Winter // Kaldring, the Rimestaff 57:07 Toralf, God of Fury // Toralf’s Hammer 1:01:31 Esika, God of the Tree // The Prismatic Bridge 1:06:09 Egon, God of Death // Throne of Death 1:10:09 Alrund, God of the Cosmos // Hakka, Whispering Raven 1:14:06 Cosmos Charger 1:17:30 Starnheim Unleashed 1:19:58 Behold the Multiverse, Saw It Coming, Ravenform 1:23:01 Niko Aris 1:29:40 Binding the Old Gods 1:31:46 Koma, Cosmos Serpent 1:33:33 Old-Growth Troll 1:35:48 Esika’s Chariot 1:38:03 Tibalt’s Trickery
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Friday Jan 08, 2021
Valakut Awakenings: The Hidden Gems of Zendikar
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Zendikar Rising, Episode 19: Zendikar Rising Sunset Show
This week we bid farewell to Zendikar Rising with a look at the set’s hidden gems. First up: Valakut Awakening. The spell half of this MDFC is perfect for decks looking to dig for A + B combos, or trade away unwanted pieces for fresh cards. It's also one of the better ways to draw a big burst of cards in one shot. We discuss our testing with four new builds that exploit Valakut’s unique talents.
After that, we look at innovative 5-0 lists with Brushfire Elemental, Thieving Skydiver, Roiling Vortex, Lithoform Blight, and Wayward Guide-Beast. Zendikar’s roster turned out to be astonishingly deep for Modern and Pioneer. Let’s hope Kaldheim can provide a suitable encore!
Also in this edition: Geist-Honored Winota, As Foretold Living End, Bruna Gifts, and exploratory testing with Commander Legends. Happy brewing!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Friday Jan 01, 2021
The Best and Worst of 2020
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Zendikar Rising, Episode 18: 2020 Year in Review
So long, 2020! It's been a remarkable year for Magic, with highs and lows that we couldn't have imagined before the year began. This week we look back at the best and worst of Magic in 2020. We also take stock of our year in brewing, picking our favorite decks and cards fromTheros, Ikoria, M21, and Zendikar Rising. Thanks for spending the year with us and see you in 2021!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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4:47 Nymris Flash (Modified Pioneer)6:46 Unexpected Maelstrom (Modified Pioneer)11:02 Toski, Bearer of Secrets18:23 A Special Message
Roundup: Magic in 2020
21:56 The Aftermath of Eldraine25:09 Three Turning Points26:23 Theros: Beyond Death29:04 Was Escape a Mistake?32:26 Mardu Stoneblade by illsicknasty (Modern)34:19 The Rise of COVID-1938:17 Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths40:22 Rogue Refinery (Faithless Brewing x WotC Video Series)46:16 Core Set M2148:33 Arcum’s Astrolabe50:30 End of the Combo Era in Pioneer54:55 Zendikar Rising
Flashback: Faithless Brewing in 2020
Theros: Beyond Death Season1:03:00 Damon’s Picks: Narset’s Undoing (Pioneer)1:05:34 David’s Picks: Blood for Bones Reanimator (Pioneer)1:07:45 Cavedan’s Picks: Turbo Elesh Norn (Modern)
Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Season1:11:55 Damon’s Picks: Auratouched Winota (Modern)1:14:52 David’s Picks: Jeskai Rielle Cycling (Pioneer)1:17:50 Cavedan’s Picks: Lukka Cat Double Combo (Modern) and Curious Vadrok (Standard)
Magic 2021 Season1:21:17 Damon’s Picks: Dark-Dwellers Blue Moon (Pioneer)1:23:18 David’s Picks: Jolrael Enchantress (Pioneer)1:26:25 Cavedan’s Picks: Liliana’s Vessels (Pioneer)
Zendikar Rising Season1:29:20 Damon’s Picks: Heartless Urza (Modern)1:32:05 David’s Picks: Channel the Truth (Pioneer)1:34:24 Cavedan’s Picks: Drake Whack (Modern)
1:36:48 Special Episodes, Guests, and Thank Yous1:40:00 The Final Verdict: Hits and Misses of 20201:42:36 New Years Resolutions

Friday Dec 25, 2020
Naughty or Spice? Gerry Thompson Reviews Your Brews
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Zendikar Rising, Episode 17: Brew Review Holiday Edition
The Brew Review is back for the holidays, and we asked listeners to send in their spiciest decklists. We also invited Pro Tour Champion and legendary deckbuilder Gerry Thompson to be a special guest judge! We've read your lists and checked them twice, so which ones are naughty and which ones are spice?
Gerry has built a career seeking information from far-flung places, and knows better than anyone that inspiration can come from anywhere. Can the crew get these lists pointed in the right direction? We also discuss Gerry's heuristics for card evaluation, and put them to the test on the latest batch of previews from Kaldheim. Happy brewing!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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Roundup: Kaldheim Previews + Picks of the Week
6:00 Gerry’s approach to brewing
15:10 Sarulf, Realm Eater
19:56 Realmwalker
22:26 Magda, Brazen Outlaw
26:10 Kaya, the Inexorable
29:48 Halvar, God of Battle // Sword of the Realms
33:03 Theme booster cards
35:35 Youthful Valkyrie
38:00 Pyre of Heroes
Picks of the Week
39:45 Damon’s Pick: Black Valakut by Lawson Zandi
45:34 Gerry’s Pick: Paradoxical Engine by sam_lawrence
53:26 Cavedan’s Pick: Mardu Transmogrify by mazenemaze
56:24 David’s Pick: Temur Midrange by cityofcards
Brew Review: Holiday Edition
59:45 Forsaken Eldrazi by Jon G
1:06:33 Paint Me, Like Your French Girls by Zach “Manacymbal” Ryl
1:12:38 Jeskai Ephemerate Wizards by Darshik
1:20:31 Mono-B Tron by Jiggywiggy aka Arun Singh
1:29:20 Flight of the Janklords by KilgoreTrout503
1:37:11 Song Besieged by Brian Madden
1:44:08 Next Level Grixis Control by Grixisism

Friday Dec 18, 2020
40 Cards We'd Like to See in Modern Horizons 2
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Zendikar Rising, Episode 16: Modern Wish List
The snow is falling, the previews are sizzling, and the holiday spirit is in the air. And what says "holiday spirit" better than a giant wish list of cards we'd like to see printed into our favorite format? Modern Horizons 2 doesn't release until later next year, but that hasn't stopped us from dreaming big. Let's just hope that Modern is on the "Nice" list this year!
Meanwhile on the Flashback, our testing with Heartless Summoning led us down wildly divergent paths, from the clickiest of click-heavy combos, to the fairest of the fair Jund decks, to the greediest of greedy Titan decks. When the dust settled, we'd notched a 24-11 record across seven leagues, and Heartless felt incredibly powerful in every build. Is it possible that the card has been slept on for too long?
Also in this edition: a first look at Kaldheim, Splinter Fin combo, and an unholy alliance of Rogues and Crabs.
Decklists for Episode 85 can be found here:
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
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