Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue

A Magic: the Gathering podcast for the spike rogue. Each week, we brew new decks in Modern and Pioneer. We put our creations to the test and share our findings on the air: what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Are you sick of going 0-5? We can help you go 3-2, in style! Created by Dan Schriever (@CavedanMTG), David Robertson (resident brew master), and Damon Alexander (brewer emeritus), and featuring Zach Ryl (@Manacymbal) & Emi Sagasti (@MordeToLight). Whether you’re a jank brewer, Day 2 warrior, FNM hero, or kitchen table end boss, our goal is to inspire your next great Magic deck. Take the Oath of Brewers and join our Discord community at, and visit our homepage for all of our latest decklists.

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
The Complete History of Waste Not (ft. Dylan_MTG)
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Season 10, Episode 30: Q&A with Dylan Kruse
Some cards you spend a lifetime chasing. Deck after deck, brew after brew, always searching for that new tech or perfect configuration to finally break through. These are the cards that get into your blood.
Dylan Kruse knows a thing or two about Waste Not. He has brewed literally hundreds of Waste Not decks over the course of six years. But his brewing range is much wider, including spice like the Calibrated Blast list that is currently rocking the Modern leagues. We sit down with Dylan to learn about his history with discard combo, tips and tricks for piloting Calibrated Blast, and listener questions from the Brewer's Mailbag.
Where to find Dylan:
Twitter: @dylan_mtg
Youtube: Dylan_MTG
Twitch: Dylan_MTG
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
[2:17] Q&A with Dylan Kruse (Dylan_MTG)[11:40] The state of play in Modern[16:30] Brew Session: Waste Not[26:04] Rakdos Waste Not Arcanist[29:53] Waste Not Storm[35:50] Deep Dive: Calibrated Blast[42:22] Mulligan heuristics[48:57] Sideboarding[54:09] Mailbag: Glimpse of Tomorrow[59:29] Semblance Anvil[1:07:33] The Waste Not Discord[1:10:36] Where to find Dylan

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Harmonic Prodigy: Doubling Up with Shamans and Wizards
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Season 10, Episode 29: Brew Session (Harmonic Prodigy) + Flashback (Portable Hole)
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Episode at a Glance
[1:28] Brew Session: Harmonic Prodigy[6:52] Sketch 1: RG Shamans[15:06] Sketch 2: Fanatic Devotion[24:34] Naban Wizards by Darshik[32:25] Sketch 3: Jeskai Ephemerate Wizards[42:04] Sketch 4: 4c Eternal Harmonics[46:32] Sketch 5: Monored Prowess[48:58] Flashback: Portable Hole[49:43] 5c Galazeth BTL[1:00:55] Ingenious Teshar Combo

Friday Aug 27, 2021
What We're Excited For in 2022
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Season 10, Episode 28: Roundup (Magic in 2022) + Brew Session (Wizard Class, Werewolf Pack Leader, Lurking Roper, Calibrated Blast)
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Episode at a Glance
[4:46] Housekeeping[5:40] What's Next: Magic in 2022[8:49] Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty[12:52] Streets of New Capenna[15:59] Dominaria United, The Brothers' War[19:00] Lord of the Rings in Modern[24:01] Does competitive play have a future?[26:16] Pioneer Challenger Decks[33:10] Brew Session: Last Call for the Forgotten Realms[33:58] Sketch 1: Wizard Class Combo[41:52] Sketch 2: Pack Leader Gruul[48:02] Sketch 3: Boros Winota Tokens[54:51] Sketch 4: Famished Roper Combo[1:02:45] Cavedan's Pick: Calibrated Blast by Dylan Kruse[1:09:12] David's Pick: Rakdos Midrange by laa11

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
The White Fatal Push: Rehabilitating Portable Hole
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Season 10, Episode 27: Brew Session (Portable Hole, Monk Class) + Flashback (Imperial Recruiter)
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
MH2 #27 At a Glance
[5:44] Portable Hole: what went wrong?[10:05] Jeskai Whirza[12:40] UW Lurrus Ensoul[17:11] Sketch 1: 5c Galazeth BTL[22:23] Understanding Monk Class[24:26] Sketch 2: Jeskai Galazeth Monk Class[28:23] Sketch 3: Dragonlord Monk Class[33:02] Sketch 4: UW Teshar Combo[41:12] Bant Imperial Stoneblade[53:36] Boros Brought Back Showdown

Friday Aug 20, 2021
Hard Evidence: Breaking Modern with Detective Crab
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Season 10, Episode 26: Weekly Roundup (Hard Evidence)
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
MH2 #26 At a Glance
[5:04] Housekeeping[9:08] Investigating Hard Evidence[10:29] Indomitable EmmiKul by MrRaeb[13:12] Primer on classic Velomachus (article)[18:43] Grixis Indomitable Reanimator[19:48] Reamulator Titan[29:35] Alternative Creativity packages[32:23] Hard Evidence in fair decks[39:35] Brew Review: Liquimetal Prismari by 1stTurnNegator[52:41] Damon's pick: Monored Saga Walkers by Phisherman[57:11] Cavedan's pick: Mystic Tron by LORiWWA

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Imperial Recruiter: 22 Years in the Making (ft. Mordeka1ser)
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Season 10, Episode 25: Brew Session (Imperial Recruiter) + Flashback (Heartless Summoning)
Like our content? Support us on Patreon and join our brewing community!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Where to find Emiliano:
Twitter: @mordeka1ser
MTGO: Mordeka1ser

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Innistrad First Look + Brewers' Choice Nominees (ft. Mordeka1ser)
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Season 10, Episode 24: Weekly Roundup (ft. Emiliano Sagasti aka Mordeka1ser)
Like our content? Support us on Patreon and join our brewing community!
Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Where to find Emiliano:
Twitter: @mordeka1ser
MTGO: Mordeka1ser
MH2/AFR #24 At a Glance
[1:51] Q&A with Mordeka1ser[4:29] 5c Niv-Mizzet[12:03] Tuning toolbox decks[19:09] The current state of Modern[23:09] Magic Online in Argentina[29:40] Innistrad: Midnight Hunt First Look[30:05] Consider[34:58] Champion of the Perished[38:46] Play with Fire[39:45] Infernal Grasp[41:38] Join the Dance[42:30] Triskaidekaphile[44:00] Wrenn and Seven[51:04] Brewer's Choice Nominees[52:17] Oswald Fiddlebender[56:12] Yarok, the Desecrated[58:21] Abiding Grace[1:00:40] Dress Down[1:07:23] Thrasta, Tempest's Roar[1:09:54] Echo of Eons[1:14:29] Harmonic Prodigy[1:17:58] Forsworn Paladin[1:19:41] Marauding Raptor[1:22:45] Mystic Reflection

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Going Platinum with The Book of Exalted Deeds
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Season 10, Episode 23: The Book of Exalted Deeds (Brew Session) + Esper Sentinel (Flashback) + Orb of Dragonkind (Flashback)
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
MH2/AFR #23 At a Glance
[2:10] "Cards on the Modern Banlist" by Manacymbal[8:47] Theorycraft: The Book of Exalted Deeds[11:14] GW Angel Company[15:06] Yorion Book Blink[18:22] Orzhov Silversmote Book (Sketch)[27:33] Jeskai Transmogrify Book (Sketch)[37:46] Flashback: Esper Sentinel, Orb of Dragonkind[38:10] Esper Urza's Kitchen[42:08] Orzhov Saga Affinity[49:21] Grixis Dragons