Faithless Brewing MTG: Modern and Pioneer for the Spike Rogue
A Magic: the Gathering podcast for the spike rogue. Each week, we brew new decks in Modern and Pioneer. We put our creations to the test and share our findings on the air: what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Are you sick of going 0-5? We can help you go 3-2, in style! Created by Dan Schriever (@CavedanMTG), David Robertson (resident brew master), and Damon Alexander (brewer emeritus), and featuring Zach Ryl (@Manacymbal) & Emi Sagasti (@MordeToLight). Whether you’re a jank brewer, Day 2 warrior, FNM hero, or kitchen table end boss, our goal is to inspire your next great Magic deck. Take the Oath of Brewers and join our Discord community at, and visit our homepage for all of our latest decklists.
Sunday May 29, 2022
Make Your Choice! 11 Spicy Cards to Brew in June 2022 (ft. Serum Visions)
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
Season 14, Episode 14: Monthly Project Recap (Invoke Calamity) + Brewers' Choice Nominees
As our first monthly brewing project draws to a close, we summon Brian Madden and Arun "Jiggywiggy" Singh from the Serum Visions Podcast to discuss our findings with Invoke Calamity. Between Land Destruction, Turbo Fog, Body of Research Fling Combo, and Collected Conjuring with Rhinos, was the crew able to find a promising home for our 1RRRR friend?
After that, it's time to unveil the ballot for next month's brewing project. 11 cards have been submitted for consideration by the Faithless Brewing community and they are juicy. From ancient classics like Painter's Servant and Boomerang, to new legends like Jinnie Fae and Toluz, Clever Conductor, there's no shortage of spice to choose from. Voting starts this week, so come join our Discord if you'd like to get in on the action!
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
S14E14 Serum Visions #2
Project Recap (May 2022): Invoke Calamity[5:34] Brian's Gruul Land Destruction[19:07] Temur Turbo Fog by MMP[28:45] Dan's Body of Research Fling Combo[33:11] Emi's Temur Collected Conjuring[40:33] Finale of Promise vs. Electrodominance vs. As Foretold[46:12] Closing Thoughts on Invoke CalamityMake Your Choice: 11 New Cards to Brew[52:14] Efreet Flamepainter[55:53] Jinnie Fae, Jetmir's Second[59:40] Moderation[1:05:34] Getaway Car[1:09:00] Ashaya, Soul of the Wild[1:12:53] Mausoleum Secrets[1:17:51] Painter's Servant[1:21:04] Skybind[1:24:05] Boomerang[1:26:47] The Reality Chip[1:30:34] Toluz, Clever Conductor
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Esper Week: Obscure Problems with Raffine, Scheming Seer
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Season 14, Episode 13: Brew Session (Obscura Week)
The time for the Shards has returned. Last week we had a little tour around New Capenna, visiting the Broker´s HQ, now its time for the Obscura. With the release of the new Triome, alongside a few amazing Esper cards, can the shard return to competitive play?First firing our rounds into Pioneer. David takes his beloved Obscura Interceptor for a test in his Esper midrange build, followed by falling in love with Raffine Itself as he sees its true power in a token build.Meanwhile in Modern, is it time for Esper reanimator to take the spotlight once more? Or is Tainted Indulgence not good enough to carry it on its own? Tune in to see on today´s episode
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Friday May 20, 2022
Ban This, Not That: State of Pioneer (May 2022)
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Season 14, Episode 12: Brew Session (Showdown of the Skalds) + Pioneer Discussion
With the announcement that the first paper Pro Tour is gona have Pioneer as its format of choice, there has been a huge influx of new players into the format. What at first seemed like a beautiful thing has caused the amount of discourse regarding the format to escalate, and with that the claims for bans are reaching levels that had not been seen since the Underworld Breach era. However, our local Pioneer Expert has quite a different perspective from that, is the future of pioneer in Unbannings cards?Followed by that, our brewers dig into the last Runner-up from the Monthly Project, showing some grindy brews around a fan favourite: Showdown of the Skald
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Shredding Through the Streets of New Capenna
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Season 14, Episode 11: Brew Session Ledger Shredder
Ledger shredded has only grown in popularity since released and it has evolved into one of, if not the most, played card from Streets of New Capenna. With it seeing play in not only Modern and Pioneer, but also Legacy and Vintage, its no surprise its price has surged over the 30 tix line.
With all this hype around the card, it seems like the perfect time for our Faithless Brewers to take a look into it, and try to find the perfect home for our beloved bird.
Finally, you can checkout Cavedan´s bant flash gameplay in our youtube channel, to see how our flashback brews have performed:
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Friday May 13, 2022
Putting the ”Flash” Back in Flashback
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
Season 14, Episode 10: Brew Session Cunning Nightbonder + "Flash Week"
For the past few weeks the Faithless Gang has been putting their efforts into brewing around the winner of the monthly project "Invoke Calamity". However, during the voting, there were a few cards that captivated our audience and were extremely close to taking it home: Among these 2 runner ups was (somehow) fan favorite "Cunning Nightbonder".
Per Morde’s suggestion, each of the runner-ups in the voting will get a one-off segment. One week only. Our Faithless Brewers will each play 1 list and report on it. They will also highlight other ideas for Cunning Nightbonder / flash decks.
Finally, it has come to our attention that today was our 3rd year anniversary and we can do nothing but thank everyone that has supported us over these years, be it our listeners, patrons, guests or supporting friends. Thanks so much for being here and trust us, this is only the beginning.
This episode might not be the celebration you might have expected, but we promise that is coming when the original crew gets back together next week.
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Monday May 09, 2022
Triome Trouble: Bant Week ft. Spara’s Headquarters
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Season 14, Episode 9: Brew Session (Spara's Headquarters) + Flashback (Luxior, Giada's Gift)
The allied-color Triomes give a huge boost to three color decks in Pioneer. When paired with shocks and "check" lands (e.g. Glacial Fortress, Hinterland Harbor), reactive three color decks can now cast color-intensive spells from turn 2 onward in a way that Pathways simply didn't allow.
The biggest winner on this front is Bant. Simic has powerful spells, most notably Growth Spiral, but the lack of removal in blue and green makes it necessary to splash a third color. White is the perfect complement, thanks to The Wandering Emperor, March of Otherworldly Light, Absorb, and other useful interaction.
This week we put Spara's Headquarters to the test in Bant Tempo and Bant Control lists. Are these lands enough to finally make Bant happen? We won't know until we Triome!
Meanwhile, on the flashback, we test Luxior, Giada's Gift in two different Modern combo shells, and track developments in our monthly project with Invoke Calamity.
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Dan's Saheeli Luxior Triple Combo Gameplay (YouTube):
S14E09 Decklists and Timestamps
[1:24] HousekeepingBrew Sesion: Spara's Headquarters[5:48] Why Triomes? Why Bant?[7:40] Building Pioneer Mana Bases: Triomes vs Pathways[8:43] David's Bant Flash w/ Nightpack Ambusher[15:39] David's Bant Lotus Field Control[23:46] Emi's Bant Yorion Blink (Modern)Flashback: Luxior, Giada's Gift[30:18] Dan's Jeskai Saheeli Triple Combo[38:17] Dan's Gruul Devoted Karn[43:28] Monthly Project: Invoke Calamity[46:00] Emi's Temur Collected Calamity 1.1[48:37] 4c Collected Calamity by KilgoreTrout503[50:59] Izzet Gearhulk Control by rapter1551[52:20] Thousand-Year Storm by Haksu
Friday May 06, 2022
Eight New Capenna Staples for Modern and Pioneer (Week 1 Roundup)
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Season 14, Episode 8: Weekly Roundup
The first week of New Capenna is in the books, and the new technology is taking to the streets. In this episode of Faithless Brewing we take a look at the breakout cards from week 1 of the latest release.
In Modern, Shadow of Mortality helped Calibrated Blast decks put up their best results ever, with multiple top finishes in Challenges, while Vivien on the Hunt exceeded expectations with multiple successful combo shells. Tainted Indulgence put up solid results in both Reanimator and Control strategies, while Ob Nixilis, the Adversary popped up in any decklist that could afford it.
For Pioneer, the talk of the town is Ledger Shredder, which has put up results as far back as Legacy and Vintage. The bird has the right stats to make an impact, but it remains to be seen how it stacks up to other threats that xerox-style blue decks might play. Giada, Font of Hope and Topiary Stomper pushed their respective strategies up a notch, while Ob Nixilis, Tainted Indulgence, and the new Triomes showed promise.
This is sure to be an exciting season of brewing. Who knows what the next week will bring?
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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Oh, the Calamity! Dangerous Brews with Invoke Calamity in Modern and Pioneer
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Season 14, Episode 7: Brew Session (Invoke Calamity)On today's episode Cavedan and Morde take their first steps into the iterative brewing pool with a close look at Invoke Calamity, the winning card from our monthly project vote.
We start with an analysis of the card's strengths and weaknesses, drawing inspiration from previous posted results in various formats. Invoke has already made inroads into Pioneer in the Neoform Velomachus Turns deck, and in Standard it powers an intriguing one-shot combo with Body of Research and Kazuul's Fury. Can either of these concepts translate to higher powered formats?
Then, we develop our first concepts and ideas for brand new brews playing to Invoke Calamity's advantages. Morde explores Collected Conjuring in Modern, while David is interested in copying ritual effects and Cavedan has his eye on land destruction. Can they crack Invoke Calamity before the return of the Serum Visions gang? Tune in to find out.Happy brewing!
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[2:31] Housekeeping
[5:20] Invoke Calamity - Rules notes[25:25] Musings from the Faithless Family
[28:35] (Standard) Izzet body of research[30:45] (Pioneer) Body of Research[36:36] (Pioneer) Neoform Velomachus[40:50] (Modern) Temur Collected Calamity[53:38] (Pioneer) Irencrag Calamity